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Jul 3, 2008 12:57 PM

May 2008
Amazing how Studio Ghibli does excelent works!

The movie is very very good...envolving characters, fantastic plot. Amazing artwork and, for every Ghibli work: a morale lesson.

In this case, as for Nausicaa, it is a warning sign for human beings about war, environmental respect...

Jul 3, 2008 1:18 PM

Jan 2008
I think this was the first Ghibli movie I ever saw, I have vague memories of catching snippets of it on TV as a kid.

Really great imagination on display, the whole floating island concept has fascinated me my whole life, thanks to this anime. I would look up at clouds and wonder if there was an island on the other side.

Been a while since I saw this movie so I cant comment much, but I think it was pretty fast paced?
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Jul 3, 2008 6:12 PM

May 2008
Cihan said:
I think this was the first Ghibli movie I ever saw, I have vague memories of catching snippets of it on TV as a kid.

Really great imagination on display, the whole floating island concept has fascinated me my whole life, thanks to this anime. I would look up at clouds and wonder if there was an island on the other side.

Been a while since I saw this movie so I cant comment much, but I think it was pretty fast paced?

After I watched it I caught myself looking up in the clouds...

That´s why I love Ghibli´s movies...specially Miyazaki Hayao´s.
Try to watch it again...I´m sure there will be more than meets the eye
Jul 15, 2008 7:15 AM
Jan 2008
This is definitely up there with my all-time favorite Miyazaki movies and favorite films in general. Its sense of adventure mixed with childlike exuberance and mixture of humor, drama, and action always keeps me coming back for more.

It also happens to be one of my favorite dubs to listen to, if mostly for the supporting characters. Who WOULDN'T want to hear Luke Skywalker as an evil agent or one of the most highly acclaimed actresses of all time portray a fiery-tempered but soft-hearted pirate captainess? Nothing will match the Japanese version of course, but the Disney dub is certainly a lot of fun, with great performances and a beautiful extension of the musical score by Joe Hisaishi. I know some fans prefer the more subdued original, but personally I can't watch this movie any other way.
Jul 15, 2008 9:05 AM

May 2008
hehhe...I never watched the english dubbed version...generally I hate dub stuff...someday I´ll watch it in english...but I´ll die being the hardcore fan of the original version^_^x
Jul 15, 2008 10:55 AM
Jan 2008
But you might want to at least hear it one time. It may not be a "purists"' dub, but there are many parts of the dub which are actually stronger than the Japanese.
Jul 15, 2008 11:05 AM
Nov 2007
hmmm i still like the Japanese version better.XD
Jul 15, 2008 12:24 PM
Jan 2008
People are bound to like the first version they hear more. I personally prefer watching this film in English because this is a beautiful movie, and I feel that subtitles get in the way of the visuals, plus they hired some good actors for this film. I admit I DID see the Japanese version one time at a museum in New York, but while I liked it, I didn't latch onto the seiyuu's performances so much, partially because my knowledge of Japanese is pretty much limited. I noticed no problems in the actual voice acting of the dub (even if the leads DID sound too mature at times), and while the script may be chattier than necessary, there's nothing about the dialogue that strikes me as out of context with the story, characters, or spirit of the original.
Jul 15, 2008 3:17 PM

Dec 2007
Yes it is.
Click Meh >_> Loading...
Jul 15, 2008 6:28 PM
Jan 2008
Well, ok so maybe there are two alterations in the script, but they're not major enough to ruin the movie for me. They're only like a few seconds out of a two-hour film. Not grating enough for me.

Bottom-line: the dub is good, but it'll probably play better to people who are unfamiliar with Miyazaki's work or Laputa in general. It may be perhaps too aggressively different in tone, but it by no means compromises the magic of the movie, nor does it tarnish its adventurous spirit IMO.
JTurnerJul 15, 2008 6:39 PM
Jul 18, 2008 7:02 PM

May 2008
that´s good because generaly the film or series looses a lot because of dub...
I plan to watch in english some day just to know if it has the same magic of the original version, but if you say that it doesn´t compromise, then I´ll keep on with the plan...

Miyazaki´s works are so good because there is a hell of a job to choose the perfect seiyuu for the character, the story is perfect and the art is simple, clean and beautiful.
Jul 18, 2008 8:50 PM
Jan 2008
Patty_chan said:
that´s good because generaly the film or series looses a lot because of dub...
I plan to watch in english some day just to know if it has the same magic of the original version, but if you say that it doesn´t compromise, then I´ll keep on with the plan...

If you're expecting it to be an exact replica of the of the original Japanese, you'll probably be disappointed, but if you can accept the more talkative script and mature-sounding leads, then it's easier to enjoy the dub as a whole. Besides, Dola and Muska's performances and the new score by Hisaishi alone make this loose but fun dub worth at least one listen.
Sep 20, 2008 11:38 PM

Aug 2008
Miyazaki obtained again, charismatics characters as in Kiki's and Nausicaa. But which the origin of the Laputa technology? Although this I liked and I recommend.
Sep 20, 2008 11:47 PM

Apr 2008
Cihan said:
Really great imagination on display, the whole floating island concept has fascinated me my whole life, thanks to this anime. I would look up at clouds and wonder if there was an island on the other side.
Definitely know what you mean.
wtfyourface said:
MistaCloudStrife said:
From 100-1000, how much do you love LWL?
OVER 9000!!!
Oct 24, 2008 6:10 AM

Feb 2007
After I watched Spirited Away a few years ago and got hooked onto anime, I found out about Laputa, Naucassa, and all of the major Ghibli hit films, and desired to watch them all ASAP.

5 years later, and I finally watch Laputa! And it didn't disappoint. In fact, it was probably the best Ghibli film yet (or tied for number 1 with Spirited Away and Porco Rosso; hard to decide a fav I guess). The setting and characters probably stood out the most for me, but the sound was also great. Watched the English dub, and it was a bit odd at first, but turned out very nicely, especially with the air pirates.
Aug 21, 2009 12:44 AM

Jan 2009
I decided to re-watch this film on a whim and man, I was blown away! I remember watching the film dubbed as a kid, so I thought I'd check out the sub version.

This film is so epic and wonderful in every way. Definitely one of my top Miyazaki movies and anime movies in general!


Aug 21, 2009 9:05 AM
Jan 2008
ColdBeans said:
I decided to re-watch this film on a whim and man, I was blown away! I remember watching the film dubbed as a kid, so I thought I'd check out the sub version.

This film is so epic and wonderful in every way. Definitely one of my top Miyazaki movies and anime movies in general!


I have to say that I like both the Disney dub AND the Japanese version equally. Each version has their pros and cons, but they're both fantastic in their own way. Either way, though, it's a damn great movie.

The older dub by JAL/Tokuma, on the other hand, I DON'T recommend; while it may not have the extra dialogue or music of Disney's dub, it sounds totally flat, lifeless, and robotic. Only available on the R2 Japanese DVD, there are a number of fans who say this dub outclasses Disney's, but I just can't see it; the only thing this older dub DID succeed in doing was showing me how better the newer dub is; the performances in the current version are far more natural and full of life and character compared to this older one.

-Jon T.
Nov 4, 2009 11:38 PM

Feb 2009
Really liked this movie, the feeling of mystery and adventure is definetely there and the art, as always, is fantastic. But being my second Miyazaki movie, second to Nausicaa, I can't help but feel that Nausicaa was the superior movie. The plot is different, but the characters didn't change that much, and reminded of the characters in Nausicaa. Great movie though, and a very worthy watch.
Dec 3, 2009 11:48 PM

Apr 2009
I thought that it was overall a pretty good movie. I enjoyed it quite a bit and I loved watching the story unfold.
KinetaSep 9, 2012 7:45 PM

✾✾✾ if only we could be reborn ✾✾✾
Jan 1, 2010 6:27 AM
Sep 2009
one of the best anime movies i have seen ^^ great for such an old movie :)
Jan 31, 2010 4:45 AM

Sep 2008
Oh wow. This movie was amazing. Animation was superb as was everything else. Although I totally saw this coming being a Studio Ghibli fan.
May 11, 2010 11:45 PM

Apr 2008
Another great Miyazak film. I was somewhat surprise that a lot of people die falling out of who knows how many feet, burned alive, killed by the lasers. I'm definitively going to show this series to my family. Everyone that speaks Spanish will chuckle reading the title.
6-7/10 I enjoyed it.
TuzoAnimeMay 18, 2010 10:07 PM
Oct 12, 2010 7:18 PM
Jan 2008
Awesome. Absolutely awesome. That's the best word to describe this movie. It's got everything: adventure, romance, humor, mystery, intrigue, great music, loveable characters, and best of all, Luke Skywalker as the villain! What more can you ask for?
Jan 20, 2011 5:35 PM

May 2009
I didn't find it that good. Kept pausing it to do other stuff, a sign you're not really enjoying something. Probably my least favorite of Miyazaki, but it was fine. Didn't find the characters particularly good and the story wasn't interesting.
Feb 9, 2011 1:26 PM
May 2009
Amazing story. Just the kind of story I love. I think Last Exile and Eureka 7 - my favourite anime series - were inspired by that movie... Really, amazing. <3
Apr 24, 2011 6:14 PM
Feb 2011
JTurner said:
People are bound to like the first version they hear more. I personally prefer watching this film in English because this is a beautiful movie, and I feel that subtitles get in the way of the visuals, plus they hired some good actors for this film. I admit I DID see the Japanese version one time at a museum in New York, but while I liked it, I didn't latch onto the seiyuu's performances so much, partially because my knowledge of Japanese is pretty much limited. I noticed no problems in the actual voice acting of the dub (even if the leads DID sound too mature at times), and while the script may be chattier than necessary, there's nothing about the dialogue that strikes me as out of context with the story, characters, or spirit of the original.

I first saw Laputa dubbed, and once i got my hands on a DVD rental copy i think i watched it 6 or 7 times over the course of 2 weeks. (this was also my intro into anime as a whole...) but i just recently picked Laputa up again and i watched the subbed version, and i have to say.. i like it better subbed. I ADORED the musical re-score and the VAs of the minor characters like Muska, Dola and the pirate boys of the dub, but i REALLY didnt like the main's VAs.
Theres some dialogue lost in the dub that the subbed version had, that i was surprised to find in the sub, i felt like i forgot everything about the movie and was watching it for the first time. also the sub had a calm quality i felt that i really liked that i feel is lost in the background noise and louder music of the dub.

also, why is it that in miyazaki's movies his couples are so cute?! they're (most usually) children but its so cute to watch them (T^T)
May 1, 2011 10:59 AM
Jan 2008
I'm actually more iffy about the leads in the Japanese version--they were by no means BAD per say, but I did find them too screechy, especially at the climactic moments of the film. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Mayumi and Keiko were bad, but I honestly didn't remember how shrieky they sounded until I spotchecked the subbed version again shortly after the dub. At least they're not as bad as the Streamline dub VAs (I'm talking about the FIRST dub, not the Disney version--the VAs for those two characters in the Streamline English dub sounded younger all right, but there just wasn't any genuine emotion between either; it's not Barbara or Lara's fault--they're both good actresses, but the overall older dub sounded like a very rushed affair, hence why both sounded quite flat the entire time). As far as Disney's lead VAs are concerned, James and Anna are by no means perfect as Pazu and Sheeta, but at least they didn't grind on my ears so badly, and I could tell that both were trying, even if I did detect a missed line or two.

Even so, it's Hamill, Leachman, the supporting cast AND the rescore that really give this dub a real punch--I honestly haven't looked back ever since.

That said, I wouldn't say the sub OR the dub versions are better or worse than each other, only different. Either way, it IS a great movie.
Jul 2, 2011 12:52 PM

Aug 2010
But all that treasure....
Jul 4, 2011 9:53 AM

Apr 2011
The one thing that annoyed me was Anna Paquin's voice for Sheeta. She tried to do some weird British/South African/Australian accent and she shifts between that and an American accent. She should have either done an American accent or they should have hired someone else from the country they wanted the accent to be.

Halfway through I thought I might give it an 8 or 9, but the last 45 minutes or so I got really caught up with the story and it felt so magical that I gave it a 10.

TuzoAnime said:
Another great Miyazak film. I was somewhat surprise that a lot of people die falling out of who knows how many feet, burned alive, killed by the lasers.

Yeah, I was surprised too. That doesn't usually happen in children's films
Jul 8, 2011 1:26 PM
Jan 2008
Lotus97 said:
The one thing that annoyed me was Anna Paquin's voice for Sheeta. She tried to do some weird British/South African/Australian accent and she shifts between that and an American accent. She should have either done an American accent or they should have hired someone else from the country they wanted the accent to be.

Halfway through I thought I might give it an 8 or 9, but the last 45 minutes or so I got really caught up with the story and it felt so magical that I gave it a 10.

TuzoAnime said:
Another great Miyazak film. I was somewhat surprise that a lot of people die falling out of who knows how many feet, burned alive, killed by the lasers.

Yeah, I was surprised too. That doesn't usually happen in children's films

The reason why Paquin's accent is inconsistent is because she was born in Canada and grew up in New Zealand; she has even admitted that sometimes she lapses back and forth between accents when talking to friends. Aside from that I really didn't have a problem with her performance as Sheeta at all.
Jul 10, 2011 10:41 AM

Dec 2010
1. Characters. +1 I really liked most of them, they're done good even if it's anime for made mostly for children.
2. Atmosphere. +1 There wasn't single moment when I wasn't drawn into the anime!
3. OST. +1 I liked all the music and the ED was just perfect ending.
4. Animation. +1 I like this old art style, I'm sure a lot of work was thrown into it.
5. Background story. Even though there wasn't much background story all of it was well done.
6. Storyline. +1 Nicely done from the start the end. No flaws or anything like this.
7. Ending. +1 Not as dramatic as much as I like usually, but still it was all this anime needed.
8. Fight scenes.
9. Drama.
10. Overall feeling. +1 Old school anime, the feeling was best at all the time. I really was thrown into it, I followed the characters' story interested and I felt very well.
Bonus(extra) point for:... +1 I really caught my self watching at the clouds after I watched it too... It cant really be described with words.
Score: 10/10 - I can't really get the score lower.

Even though I watch it not as a child, the feeling is still the same I'd expect. Yeah, I miss the drama, but no one can expect such a thing in anime of this kind. I'm sure that no mather the age I'd still like it as much as now.
Aug 19, 2011 6:01 PM

Jan 2011
It would be nice if a castle like that truly did exist but then im pretty sure everyone would want to get to it but it still would be nice^^
Aug 21, 2011 4:41 PM

Dec 2009
This is one of my favorite Ghibli movies. I think is excellent (:
Aug 25, 2011 2:58 PM

Jul 2008
Joe Hisaishi, you wonderful man.
I write about manga →
and movies →
Oct 10, 2011 12:11 PM
Jan 2008
Touka said:
Joe Hisaishi, you wonderful man.

Yes, his music is beautiful. But I'd say that this is his crowning achievement. Particularly memorable is the choral hymn over the climactic destruction scene; especially in the new score when the orchestra gradually joins in and crescendoes to its climax. This cue always makes the hair on my skin tingle.

Other favorite cues of mine:

1) the train car chase

2) the robot attack scene

3) the cavern scene

4) the storm scene

5) the exploration of Laputa all the way to the end

6) Carrying You
Dec 7, 2011 6:55 PM

Nov 2009
I saw this back when I was a child, and loooved it !!
Saw it again yesterday... and boy was I dissappointed...
This went from one of mah favorite Ghibli movies to one of mah least favorite ones... and i've re-watched almost all Ghibli movies over the last month^^
Dec 23, 2011 10:12 AM

Mar 2007
The animation, story, plot progression, and character development were enormously astounding! I cannot believe 25 years ago (or probably more for idea involvement processes) the Ghibli team came up with something extremely bizarre, crazy and completely astonishing. Even now, this is up on my list as one of the best of Ghibli's films out there; the 1080p was so worth it. :D
Dec 24, 2011 12:04 PM

Sep 2008
Just saw this on Blu-ray for the first time, and I gotta say this movie is every bit as good as the best western adventure movies (Indiana Jones, Pirates of the Carribean, Tintin etc.)

I especially like how well it comes together in the end. I often think similar movies gets a little silly in the conclusion, but this one just felt so, so right all the way through. The visuals are also very impressive in the Blu-ray-version, I was a little blown away actually. It's 25 years old for crying out loud, how can it still look so damn awesome?
Mar 10, 2012 4:21 PM

Jul 2011
I essentially just made my childhood memories mediocre by rewatching this; so many illogical developments, and that plot. I still enjoyed it though.
Feb 28, 2013 7:42 AM

Jul 2012
Hmm, well it was not one of the better movies iv'e watched by Miyazaki but it was ok. 6/10
Mar 3, 2013 9:55 PM

Aug 2011
I really liked it but I can't stop thinking how much people died and it is a childrens movie o.o
but it was lovely o3o
but I had to be spanish
Apr 24, 2013 2:42 AM

Jan 2012
Got the chance to rewatch this movie after so many years and I have to say the experience was just as good as the first time. Both the plot and the characters are great, not to mention I really enjoyed the animation. In any case, this movie is definitely a must see.

Sep 1, 2013 11:52 AM

Feb 2013
It was just on film4 so i thought I would give it a go
not as good as the other classics IMO.
Sep 7, 2013 6:41 AM

Jul 2009
It reminded me a lot of Nausicaa with its environmental and anti-war message but I thought the characters were much better in this. Laputa itself looked breathtaking considering how old the film is. I give it 8/10.
Zell182Sep 7, 2013 6:45 AM
Sep 20, 2013 1:28 AM
May 2009
Watched it for the 5th time in my life today. The last 4 times were subbed. This time it was in 720p with dubbed voiceover (which was not that bad).

Now back to reality...
Sep 27, 2013 4:05 PM
Jan 2008
the1337fleet said:
Watched it for the 5th time in my life today. The last 4 times were subbed. This time it was in 720p with dubbed voiceover (which was not that bad).

Now back to reality...

In general, Ghibli films are well dubbed, and this is no exception. Granted it does have its faults, but with Disney one really can't go wrong.
Oct 4, 2013 4:04 AM

Oct 2012
my fav ghibli movies... 9/10

Jan 2, 2014 2:42 PM

Apr 2010
beautiful movie. awesome storyline, and also amazing view <3
Feb 7, 2014 2:43 PM

Oct 2012
Great movie! I like its theme, searching for ancient mystery that reveals big enough weapon to destroy all humanity, I can see lot of paralels there (atomic weapons and human lust for power).

There was great contrast in seeing giant robot in coexistence with small animals.

I also like spontaneous and natural relationship Sheeta and Pazu shared, that's one thing many animes nowdays are lacking.

Some parts were a little bit slow and felt empty without any music and the end particularly didn't left much to think about (environmental themes are present in almost every miyazaki's work and I think previous Naushika did that better). Too bad their journey didn't have more meaningful meaning after all. But I felt nostalgic while watching it and that's why I enjoyed it all along.

This was really more than average movie, solid 7/10 for me.
Mar 30, 2014 12:43 AM

Jan 2014
Beautiful movie. Though, it didn't wow me at the
end. Nevertheless, the art, the atmosphere, the
characters made me love it... (✿◠‿◠)
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