Hiroki Sano, Kaede Sano, Shuichi Nagata
Publication date
CAUTHE 2020: 20: 20 Vision: New Perspectives on the Diversity of Hospitality, Tourism and Events
Auckland University of Technology
Smart tourism is an emerging concept that can bring competitive advantage to tourism sites. Recent studies have developed a theoretical concept of smart tourism that emphasizes the business ecosystem as its component. This theoretical concept recommends that tourists play a role as value co-creators of tourism experiences. The primary role of tourists as value co-creators is to provide information of themselves that will be aggregated as big data, and the value of big data analysis in smart tourism has been demonstrated in several academic studies. For smart tourism to be realized, all tourists should provide their profiles and information of their personal tourism experiences for service providers. Also, for smart tourism to dynamically evolve, all tourists should actively use tourism services based on advanced technologies while providing feedback on those services. However, several challenges, such as privacy …
Scholar articles
H Sano, K Sano, S Nagata - CAUTHE 2020: 20: 20 Vision: New Perspectives on the …, 2020