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What's the most fucked up hentai you've ever seen?

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Jul 18, 2017 12:39 PM

Aug 2016
Basically, just avoid the "horror" and "bondage" category in hentai. Most of the hentai with those categories are messed up. The least messed up category is vanilla, which is just normal sex. Enjoy hehe
Jul 18, 2017 7:19 PM

Aug 2016
Well I know of some extremely messed up ones I refuse to watch.

Though one that I did read that gets you in the feels with tragedy is EMERGENCE.
Mar 24, 2018 8:56 AM

Sep 2017
Amateurs.... Wait till u see Kowaku no Toki

Edit: And Shiiku x Kanojo (long story short: kidnapp you crush, make her cook food with white stuff on it, fked till she breaks in 4 episodes until she commits suicide.)
AyunaAniNov 2, 2018 10:20 PM

"The universe was made, just to be seen by my eyes."
Nov 5, 2019 1:30 AM
Nov 2019
Ok so basically I saw this hentai a while back and all I can remember is that there was this one scene where 2 girls were in the bathroom and one of them got a dirty toilet brush and shoved it into the other ones mouth with a psychotic look on her face can anyone tell me what the name of that show is thanks.
Nov 5, 2019 4:51 AM

Oct 2008
A tie between:

Mahou Shoujo Ai
Yagami Yuu/Kazama Mana (related ditantly)
Nov 5, 2019 4:57 AM
Jul 2017
If manga is included then Mai Chan no nichijou
Do. Not. Even. Attempt. To. Read. It.
Or if you do, don't read the last chapter.
"You are the result of 4 billion years of evolution. Act like it."
"Why don't you eat make up? Then you can be beautiful on the inside too."
"'Sick'? Call me 'twisted'. 'Sick' makes it sound like there's a cure."
"What's messed up isn't my thinking, what's messed up is this god damn world."
"The world isn't perfect, but its out there doing the best it can for us. That's what makes it so damn beautiful."
Nov 5, 2019 5:01 AM

May 2018
Thank y'all for the info. Many things were added to my ptw. It's gonna be sweet
Nov 8, 2019 3:17 AM

Aug 2013
Maggot Baits is one of the most disgusting definitely but nothing reached the sheer distress and fear I had reading NikuNiku (discretion advised)
Nov 16, 2019 7:42 AM
Nov 2019
Bondage time is one of the worst i have seen after that euphoria. It has scat, murder, blood, really realistic futanari, rape, clitoris cutting ect ect.
Nov 16, 2019 7:48 AM

Sep 2018
bruh i don’t even watch hentai and i know what monstrosities have come out of euphoria, it’s VN especially. there’s worse but like i said
i don’t watch hentai
Nov 16, 2019 8:01 AM
Jul 2018
I'm getting curious about Euphoria. I may give it a try.
Nov 16, 2019 8:06 AM

Dec 2017
Boku No Pico
Oni Chichi
Yosuga No Sora
Nov 16, 2019 8:07 AM

Dec 2018
why is everyone talking about euphoria

or is it that ive watched so many fucked up hentai that i dont know whats fucked up anymore

only one person above has mentioned emergence which i think really is fucked up
Nov 16, 2019 10:22 AM

May 2013
I read Hot House a few years ago on a dare.

Insect, gore, torture, gang rape weird shit. People were turning into bugs and fucking. Puss and boils everywhere. It was pure chaotic twisted madness that will never leave the annals of my memory.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Nov 16, 2019 11:08 AM

Jun 2019
lavah said:
I'm getting curious about Euphoria. I may give it a try.

That's exactly what I thought after reading all these comments about it. But that's human nature, tell us we shouldn't or can't watch something, and next thing you know you're watching it, doh!
Nov 16, 2019 7:37 PM

Aug 2015
Have you met my good friend @Deknijff?
SomeEdgeLord said:

I WILL report you from this forum if this continues.
In real life, I am one of the coldest, unsympathetic, people you'll ever know, who's grown up in an even colder household, you really don't want me to break my persona, I know how to make people feel bad.

YearnsforAttention said:
hm who has 1656 friends on MAL
that's right me
bye bye

YearnsforAttention said:
I don't want your approval
how many damn times do I need to say it
I enjoy irritating you
I am gonna do things MY way
Nov 17, 2019 4:23 AM

May 2019
Let's just say I read one where a mentally retarded guy was able to over power a woman and have his way with her. Was pretty disturbing cuz y'know, you can't really blame a mentally retarded person for anything they do.
Dec 13, 2019 4:13 PM
Dec 2019
there was one I saw a long time ago, like one of the first hentai I had seen, but this girl was on an operating table of some kind, and her nipples, pussy, arms and legs were hooked up to a battery or some shit. Some guy was just shocking to fuck out of her and eventually she just completely stopped moving, and he started fucking her not realizing she just died. After he came he called her name, no response, then he started freaking out. This shit phased me so fucking hard when I was younger does anyone know the name?

Need for school purposes

Edit: it’s not night shift nurses
Dec 13, 2019 4:18 PM

Oct 2018
Avoid guro (gore). It can get pretty intense if you have no experience with fucked up hentai.
May 3, 2020 1:54 PM
May 2020
DarkLordofYuri said:
Milk_is_Special said:
I don't watch hentai, but seeing that every hentai must contain some kind of sex, I'd say that every hentai is "Fucked" up.

it's actually fucked in and out

(character filler)
May 3, 2020 1:56 PM

Oct 2018
I don't watch too many compared to reading doujins but Euphoria is pretty fucked up. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would agree.
May 3, 2020 1:57 PM
Jul 2018
idk but I came across a manga where the zookeeper has to fuck the zoo animals to help them procreate
May 3, 2020 5:22 PM

Jan 2020
215600. The backstory makes it more fucked up than 177013 .
Хайде, хайде, хайде, това е първата зона, брато, първа зона, първа зона, добре, добре, добре, това става тук горе, отива тук горе, само спокойно, само спокойно... Ха, отдясно е, навсякъде отдясно отдясно къде е дясното ти о да добре добре добре тихо мълчаливо не успях да се съсредоточа върху това ЕХ ТЪПАК КОГАТО СИ БАВНО БАВНО ... ой е путката на моето момиче прасе куче, аз Чувствам се добре, о, мамо, *шамар*, какво е това госпожице татко-
May 3, 2020 5:32 PM

Jul 2017
i saw some clips of shoujo ramune and im sure its the most fucked up because of pedophilia

other than that, not hentai but shoujo tsubaki is the most fucked up anime i've watched

i love it however
May 3, 2020 5:38 PM
Jul 2018
I must be extremely pure because the most fucked up thing I've read is "only" Hadaka Shitsuji and I guess Walter's route in The Bell Chimes For Gold. You know which scene I'm talking about. Also Jooubachi is pretty fucked up but I've only listened to a few of the CDs.

I just don't touch stuff made for straight dudes. I'm aware some doujin otome CDs contain a lot of fucked up things like guro but I never listened to them. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
removed-userMay 7, 2020 8:27 PM
May 3, 2020 5:38 PM
Mar 2019
A doujin called witch's class colapse , its pretty messed up but the story got me hooked ,next update when .
May 3, 2020 5:48 PM

Apr 2020
Illyricus said:
Toothbrush hentai. Not very fucked up, but sexy as fuck.

Okay Tana Mongeau.

Most of the stuff by Gengoroh Tagame is pretty hardcore. Lots of fetish stuff to the extreme where the target even dies at the end sometimes.

Rokudenashi's stuff is just real nasty to look at. Dicks bigger than human torsos and the grossest fuckin faces.
May 3, 2020 6:10 PM
Jul 2018
I always avoid anything with the "scat" tag on doujinshi (did I spell that right?) websites (it's basically poop, I don't know why anyone would want to see that, but whatever, people are weird .-.)
May 3, 2020 8:58 PM

Apr 2020
Hentai is a gift from God. Go check out Taimain Asagi. In my opinion it's the greatest hentai out there.
May 3, 2020 9:31 PM

Sep 2014
Ail Maniax take that spot for me. There are many fucked up fetish hentai, but that ones mixes gore and other shit which is really "wtf" in.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Jun 24, 2020 7:16 AM
Jun 2020
SodiumChloride said:
The one where they licked someone's eyeball out .

The fetishes some people have ..........

I have seen worse than this. I don't know the name but the title cover has horse's head inside a girl's pussy. it scares me until this day.
Aug 9, 2020 10:23 PM
Aug 2020
bondage game
bout some sex slaves that gets tortured beheaded then eaten
Aug 9, 2020 10:29 PM

Jun 2020
Urotsukidoji anime is the classic yet very fucked up one.

I pitied to most women (within that universe) who were victimized by stomach explosion, stripping their entire skin off, chopping the guts into two, and of course... tentacle rape till death.

"You don't get it, a million sorry's is not equal to one thank you." — Emilia
Aug 10, 2020 12:22 AM

Dec 2018
Lol I see people posting John K Peta shit, like who tf gets disgusted by that gay shit.

Now it's my time to shine some light upon this gem. It's some cockroach insertion thing, I don't remember quite well. Basically, it's about this abducted loli who gets tied up or sth. Then there are like 3 fat ugly revolting middle-age men who just insert cockroaches into every hole ever on the loli. Up till this point I already lol'd hard coz it's kinda funny. Quite apparent it's a troll rather than a fetishized hentai. But anyway, these cunts almost electrocute the poor little underage soul, but essentially to lure the cockroach to move further into her body. And then they just fuck. Whatever hole there is, they'll do it gleefully, from eye socket to the dull overrated vagina. Next thing you know is dude putting an arm inside her pussy and drag everything inside out, causing a blood rain, literally.

It was pretty shocking. I saw this hentai on 4chan and decided to read it. Rightfully said by 1 user, "it was sure a life-changing read".
. . .
Aug 10, 2020 6:28 AM
May 2020
Damn, these hentais are quite fucked up.
Sep 20, 2020 3:47 PM
Sep 2020
Preachee said:
Lol I see people posting John K Peta shit, like who tf gets disgusted by that gay shit.

Now it's my time to shine some light upon this gem. It's some cockroach insertion thing, I don't remember quite well. Basically, it's about this abducted loli who gets tied up or sth. Then there are like 3 fat ugly revolting middle-age men who just insert cockroaches into every hole ever on the loli. Up till this point I already lol'd hard coz it's kinda funny. Quite apparent it's a troll rather than a fetishized hentai. But anyway, these cunts almost electrocute the poor little underage soul, but essentially to lure the cockroach to move further into her body. And then they just fuck. Whatever hole there is, they'll do it gleefully, from eye socket to the dull overrated vagina. Next thing you know is dude putting an arm inside her pussy and drag everything inside out, causing a blood rain, literally.

It was pretty shocking. I saw this hentai on 4chan and decided to read it. Rightfully said by 1 user, "it was sure a life-changing read".
i found one that share some similarities The name is Sumireko-chan no Chitsunai ni Gokiburi o Ireru Hon
Sep 20, 2020 5:42 PM
Sep 2020
Preachee said:
Lol I see people posting John K Peta shit, like who tf gets disgusted by that gay shit.

Now it's my time to shine some light upon this gem. It's some cockroach insertion thing, I don't remember quite well. Basically, it's about this abducted loli who gets tied up or sth. Then there are like 3 fat ugly revolting middle-age men who just insert cockroaches into every hole ever on the loli. Up till this point I already lol'd hard coz it's kinda funny. Quite apparent it's a troll rather than a fetishized hentai. But anyway, these cunts almost electrocute the poor little underage soul, but essentially to lure the cockroach to move further into her body. And then they just fuck. Whatever hole there is, they'll do it gleefully, from eye socket to the dull overrated vagina. Next thing you know is dude putting an arm inside her pussy and drag everything inside out, causing a blood rain, literally.

It was pretty shocking. I saw this hentai on 4chan and decided to read it. Rightfully said by 1 user, "it was sure a life-changing read".
and i think i found The one you are talking about
Sep 20, 2020 10:50 PM

Jul 2019
Euphoria. It is the worst one I have ever seen. But I do recommend watching Futabu
Sep 20, 2020 10:54 PM
Oct 2017
It most be euphoria btw dont look that up for ur own sake
Sep 20, 2020 10:56 PM

May 2020
SodiumChloride said:
The one where they licked someone's eyeball out .

The fetishes some people have ..........

ahhhh what is thiss my heart has stopped beating after watching this
Sep 20, 2020 10:58 PM

May 2020
there is no hentai thats fucked up all of them are masterpieces at least the ones i have watched
Sep 21, 2020 7:20 AM

Dec 2018
Teste78 said:
Preachee said:
Lol I see people posting John K Peta shit, like who tf gets disgusted by that gay shit.

Now it's my time to shine some light upon this gem. It's some cockroach insertion thing, I don't remember quite well. Basically, it's about this abducted loli who gets tied up or sth. Then there are like 3 fat ugly revolting middle-age men who just insert cockroaches into every hole ever on the loli. Up till this point I already lol'd hard coz it's kinda funny. Quite apparent it's a troll rather than a fetishized hentai. But anyway, these cunts almost electrocute the poor little underage soul, but essentially to lure the cockroach to move further into her body. And then they just fuck. Whatever hole there is, they'll do it gleefully, from eye socket to the dull overrated vagina. Next thing you know is dude putting an arm inside her pussy and drag everything inside out, causing a blood rain, literally.

It was pretty shocking. I saw this hentai on 4chan and decided to read it. Rightfully said by 1 user, "it was sure a life-changing read".
and i think i found The one you are talking about

That was just uncalled-for. Do you really feel the need to remind me ab this? But I appreciate the diligence regardless.
. . .
Sep 21, 2020 7:22 AM
Sep 2017
I watched this back when I was 11 before I knew anime was a thing:
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Sep 21, 2020 7:26 AM
Jul 2019
Preachee said:
Teste78 said:
and i think i found The one you are talking about

That was just uncalled-for. Do you really feel the need to remind me ab this? But I appreciate the diligence regardless.

Well whatever it is, I definitely don't wanna click it. It's scary how there are so many fucked up things you're not aware of waiting to be uncovered. Kinda like the dark web.
Sep 21, 2020 7:35 AM

Dec 2018
SomeGuyWithHair said:
Preachee said:

That was just uncalled-for. Do you really feel the need to remind me ab this? But I appreciate the diligence regardless.

Well whatever it is, I definitely don't wanna click it. It's scary how there are so many fucked up things you're not aware of waiting to be uncovered. Kinda like the dark web.

Well I already made a graphically detailed paragraph describing pretty much everything in the hentai so you don't have to click on it. I mean shit even I haven't clicked on it.
. . .
Sep 21, 2020 9:02 AM
Jun 2020
Mai-chan. Unfortunately even I, a big boi couldn't get through that shithole.
Sep 21, 2020 7:33 PM
Dec 2017
While I see some people commenting Eupohria, which is understandable for one of the most fucked up Animated Hentai Seties, it doesn’t even come close to some of the terribly messed up doujins out there. I’ll just list a few.
-Mai Chan’s Daily Life
-228922 on Nhentai
-maggot Baits(a light novel eroge game)
I think you get the gist, and I have way more where that came from, just thought I’d list some of the worst ones I've read. But comparing these to 177013 (which is now infamous for being a terribly messed up doujin out there) makes 177013 seem like a children’s book. If you are looking for the most scaring, mentality fucked up hentai series I recommend these. If you are the week of heart or just can’t normally stomach gore and terribly sadistic messed up narratives then never read any of these.
Sep 22, 2020 6:27 AM

May 2020
SodiumChloride said:
The one where they licked someone's eyeball out .

The fetishes some people have ..........

sauce? cant find it anywhere i am curious now
Sep 22, 2020 6:38 AM

Sep 2017
Never seen a hentai, but I can't unsee Striking Daughter

Oh, but I read a yaoi/bara one day, I expected fun stuff as usual but it ended up being some kind of torture porn, big yikes
Sep 22, 2020 8:16 AM

Jul 2020
215600 by far...

But this is an anime thread, so Futa Bu because just why
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