Removing NoEscape.exe - Boot Sector included

  • Опубликовано: 15 мар 2025
  • Though a little bit more difficult to remove, it's still possible. In this video I'll show you how.
    Endermanch's original removal tutorial: • How to remove NoEscape...
    Windows PE ISO: www.hirensboot... (The Gandalf Windows PE ISO used in this video was taken down, link is for Hiren's BootCD which does exactly the same thing)
    ISO creator:
    TestDisk: www.cgsecurity...
    Registry Changes:
    HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout\Scancode Map
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\AutoAdminLogon
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\AutoRestartShell
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\DisableCAD
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Userinit
    HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\AutoColorization
    HKCU\Control Panel\Mouse\SwapMouseButtons
    Tobu - Candyland [NCS Release]
    DEAF KEV - Invincible [NCS Release]
    #noescape #malware #trojan

Комментарии • 13 тыс.

  • @OrangeGroupTech
    @OrangeGroupTech  Год назад +2186

    It's been almost 3 years now and this video has just surpassed 6 milliion views and my channel has over 20K subscribers. For that, I would like to say a big *THANK YOU!* Whether or not you understand what I'm doing in this video, I would like to thank all of you for supporting my channel.
    The screenlocker malware side of things has pretty much died down in recent years, so I am moving my channel towards other PC-related topics, like hardware. Do look forward to more hardware related videos in the future! I will also publish videos related to random experiments with PCs, be it hardware or software.
    I originally planned to make this video as soon as Endermanch, the original creator of NoEscape.exe, released the first trailer demonstrating NoEscape.exe's payloads.
    However, Endermanch published a removal tutorial along with the download link and if I were to make a removal tutorial, it would be nothing more than a duplicate, making me feel a little disappointed, until I realised that bootdata, the software that Endermanch used to fix the bootloader, was not published. Not only that, but the use of bootdata required an existing backup of the bootloader (which contains the partition table data). My method, which uses the software TestDisk, can restore the partition table without a prior backup.
    This video really started to blow up, albeit not due to the reason I expected. I used the music "Tobu - Candyland", which I picked because I was searching for music to add to this video and it sounded nice. I didn't understand the Roblox tycoon reference.
    Once again, thank you SO MUCH for your support! I really appreciate it.

    • @ZonesYT
      @ZonesYT Год назад +9

      Nice, also first reply lol

    • @bus_landd
      @bus_landd Год назад +4


    • @Dash-eu1ml
      @Dash-eu1ml Год назад


    • @wsgVedhuuu
      @wsgVedhuuu Год назад


    • @TheRobloxBec
      @TheRobloxBec Год назад

      i swear everytime i look at something based on a specific topic, i always come at the right time and the owner who hasnt been active just talked. Very weird coincidence or someone is watching over us?

  • @ultralaggerREV1
    @ultralaggerREV1 4 года назад +15512

    I actually like how the developer of the malware actually puts a warning before the app starts

    • @rel7604
      @rel7604 4 года назад +579

      Same as memz

    • @stupidpieceofequipment
      @stupidpieceofequipment 4 года назад +1972

      Its because it wasn't actually meant to be a virus and just something of a project

    • @lbryant143
      @lbryant143 4 года назад +161

      @@stupidpieceofequipment so would it ever go away,m

    • @lbryant143
      @lbryant143 4 года назад +101

      @@stupidpieceofequipment or is it w virus and they didbt mean for it to be one

    • @AndreLuiz-wh3qr
      @AndreLuiz-wh3qr 4 года назад +622

      @@lbryant143 it just a project to test and learn, something more like that

  • @billi9181
    @billi9181 4 года назад +10025

    you know its legit tutorial when the video got this music

  • @kernal5633
    @kernal5633 4 года назад +6768

    This is the hardest boss battle in computer history

    • @UntalentedBrick
      @UntalentedBrick 3 года назад +19


    • @carpigeon3148
      @carpigeon3148 3 года назад +78

      Even stronger than SCP 079

    • @spiritool
      @spiritool 3 года назад +38

      Just wait until you got ransomware and your file is gone

    • @slum3386
      @slum3386 3 года назад +13

      @@spiritool petya moment

    • @Biillyyy
      @Biillyyy 3 года назад +6

      WW2 bro

  • @aro4457
    @aro4457 4 года назад +14425

    Who else just got this in their recommended and just watched it cuz why not

    • @noahninja990
      @noahninja990 4 года назад +177

      Yeah I did and I gained 20 brain cells from this ( tho not understanding anything after the 1 min mark XD )

    • @Heartsforyurii
      @Heartsforyurii 4 года назад +14


    • @edit_t
      @edit_t 4 года назад +9

      Ya same

      @SCOUTSCOOTERe 4 года назад +5


    • @pinkkisable
      @pinkkisable 4 года назад +4


  • @algeriancountryball6287
    @algeriancountryball6287 4 года назад +1364

    Well, the virus is saying "Dont close this ta..." closes tab"

  • @G_8345.2
    @G_8345.2 3 года назад +3677

    Virus: “there is no escape..”
    OGT: “Oh no!anyways”

    • @oldpb2134
      @oldpb2134 3 года назад +7

      I won't like this comment.. Already at its best number

    • @gamessatelision7327
      @gamessatelision7327 3 года назад +4

      @@oldpb2134 you sure? the 69 is broken

    • @oldpb2134
      @oldpb2134 3 года назад +3

      @@gamessatelision7327 it wasn't before :(

    • @louanacalingasan5077
      @louanacalingasan5077 3 года назад +2


      @CYANSTATIC 3 года назад +2

      Get dis comment to 666 likes now lower and no higher

  • @soupbowl6028
    @soupbowl6028 Год назад +1766

    I love how the creator didn’t wanna ruin people’s computers so he even put a warning on it and made it very clear to NOT use if you intend on using your computer

    • @kripo_se
      @kripo_se Год назад +162

      yup coz it wasn't meant to be a virus more like a project

    • @NexPlaysVR
      @NexPlaysVR Год назад +26

      @@kripo_se The original didnt care and just started no warning

    • @flamflimmr
      @flamflimmr Год назад +41

      ​@@NexPlaysVRit was made by violet athlete as a project

    • @duplicake4054
      @duplicake4054 Год назад +88

      @@NexPlaysVR Bro it was made by enderman. There is no 'original' version.

    • @tootssssss
      @tootssssss 11 месяцев назад +3

      Why can I Imagine A Kid Wanting to Mess Around And Accidentally skip the Warning Lol

  • @joelhoon1707
    @joelhoon1707 4 года назад +13200

    I guess "NoEscape.exe" should be renamed "SomeoneEscaped:(.exe"

    • @tepencadorna1164
      @tepencadorna1164 4 года назад +612

      Underrated comment deserves more likes
      Edit:thx for 25 likes never gotten dis much

    • @RealMax56
      @RealMax56 4 года назад +45

      @@tepencadorna1164 ye

    • @orbit9783
      @orbit9783 4 года назад +13


    • @Tripminei
      @Tripminei 4 года назад +30

      *waaa -*

    • @thewhen6591
      @thewhen6591 4 года назад +6


  • @kampe2371
    @kampe2371 4 года назад +5700

    alternative title: NoEscape.exe speedrun world record any%

    • @kaliuchissss
      @kaliuchissss 3 года назад +15

      Yes 👌

    • @hyphe1337
      @hyphe1337 3 года назад +47

      Any% would be going through all the Payloads before fixing it

    • @SRG378
      @SRG378 3 года назад +62

      @@hyphe1337 wouldn't any% be fixing it asap while all%/100% would be going through all payloads

    • @oppon3keilly
      @oppon3keilly 3 года назад +3

      @@SRG378 LMAO

    • @kedman1095
      @kedman1095 3 года назад +6

      I think the run can be optimized, lose time in BSOD section

  • @AITA_Unfiltered
    @AITA_Unfiltered 4 года назад +1130

    The very embodiment of
    “Call an ambulance, but not for me”

  • @WindowsVista-ld2fx
    @WindowsVista-ld2fx 3 месяца назад +59

    Honestly, better than Enderman's video. While his video did try to explain how to restore the bootloader and partition table, he did not explain where he got that boot.bin file from that appeared when rebooting the Windows PE. In addition, the program used to restore the bootloader, partition table, etc is much more intuitive.
    I've followed everything from this video and it worked! No wonder why this video has a lot of views.

  • @tailsfanteg4712
    @tailsfanteg4712 3 года назад +2366

    "Do you want to enjoy the last minutes using your computer?"
    Orange: no. (Proceeds to escape the inescapable)

  • @abaklava5060
    @abaklava5060 4 года назад +1256

    This guy is so smart it's just a meme at this point, he's doing this with ease. I did not understand anything after the 1 minute mark.

    • @WhyHandlesIMeanFroggchamp
      @WhyHandlesIMeanFroggchamp 4 года назад +50

      I would’ve thrown my computer in the garbage if I got this virus

    • @kokichioma1014
      @kokichioma1014 4 года назад +23

      i was legit like
      Ah yes.
      *W O R D S*

    • @mintyboi711
      @mintyboi711 4 года назад +13

      @@WhyHandlesIMeanFroggchamp bruh that's the dumb way at least try to fix it with this method and imagine a guy that gets this malware on his pc when a 9 year old is trying to pirate a dumb game

    • @WhyHandlesIMeanFroggchamp
      @WhyHandlesIMeanFroggchamp 4 года назад +1

      @@mintyboi711 yeah though. If a video like this existing I could just copy what he does

    • @sunrisevideosgamingandmuch7791
      @sunrisevideosgamingandmuch7791 4 года назад +1

      Yep me too

  • @reethelemon
    @reethelemon 3 года назад +2212

    This man is so brave he straight up rejected a computer virus when it was "being nice"

    • @bread3448
      @bread3448 3 года назад +60

      And he also uses brave browser

    • @veelvly
      @veelvly 3 года назад +8

      @@bread3448 brave is superior

    • @jerry4325
      @jerry4325 3 года назад +11

      @@veelvly brave steals your personal data like password and shii and sell them to hackers

    • @kasix9858
      @kasix9858 2 года назад +48

      @@jerry4325 Thats ironic because their ads literally say we dont do that haha

    • @mohammeded-dahbi7603
      @mohammeded-dahbi7603 2 года назад +38

      @L42 Jerry that's bold claim, buddy. You have any source to back it up?

  • @eliminator69612
    @eliminator69612 11 месяцев назад +740

    "Any last words?"
    "Nah, I'd win."
    *burns computer down*

  • @DarkifyDarkify
    @DarkifyDarkify 3 года назад +3068

    Teacher: The test isn't that hard
    The test: Delete NoEscape.exe

    • @lg0r0ul36
      @lg0r0ul36 3 года назад +17

      Omg yes 😭👍

    • @GamingWithAnthonyPaul
      @GamingWithAnthonyPaul 3 года назад +29

      Me: just resets the data and reinstalls the apps i remember

    • @lg0r0ul36
      @lg0r0ul36 3 года назад +72

      @@GamingWithAnthonyPaul The point is that you cannot just reset data if you do the virus is still there thats point of this video if there was ability to just reset data he would show that easier way to remove it.

    • @memehivefive7145
      @memehivefive7145 3 года назад +31

      The test: understand what this guy is saying to do without any malware deleting experience.

    • @internalbg1218
      @internalbg1218 3 года назад +5

      @@memehivefive7145 the test:play no escape exe and find the files and delete it

  • @spacepizzer
    @spacepizzer 4 года назад +1401

    Why was I expecting a jumpscare when the wallpaper appeared

  • @adamrizkymubarak
    @adamrizkymubarak 4 года назад +1986

    The virus: NO ESACPE
    OGT: *Y E S E S C A P E*

    • @fujiwaranomokou8923
      @fujiwaranomokou8923 3 года назад +1

      Your channel is very nostalgic :/
      Old days Arcane Adventure.

    • @harveymoon6004
      @harveymoon6004 3 года назад +2

      yes yes escape hee

    • @Chewie.
      @Chewie. 3 года назад

      @@fujiwaranomokou8923 jealous cuz he has 6k subs and u don’t?

    • @wiristhevirus
      @wiristhevirus 3 года назад +1

      @@Chewie. he / she isnt

    • @leeru1413
      @leeru1413 3 года назад +10

      @@Chewie. how do you even come to this conclusion????

  • @pinkfedoras
    @pinkfedoras Год назад +386

    no way this guy just escaped and made it look so dang easy 😭 you legend

    • @MemeAndMoreMeme
      @MemeAndMoreMeme Год назад +14

      Not exactly looked so dang easy

    • @Scaper_PT
      @Scaper_PT 10 месяцев назад +15

      it absolutely didnt look easy

    • @shamsukst
      @shamsukst 10 месяцев назад

      the creator (enderman) made a video about fixing it aswell, i think it was on his alt, tho.

    • @thingthingthingthingthingthing
      @thingthingthingthingthingthing 7 месяцев назад

      @@MemeAndMoreMemeimagine figuring it out by yourself

  • @jentlesoo
    @jentlesoo 3 года назад +2927

    "There's no escape"
    Random indian guy : "Hello guys, today I will teach you how to escape this No Escape virus"

    • @ratiomaster8062
      @ratiomaster8062 3 года назад +239

      Indians always are the best technicians and idk why

    • @jentlesoo
      @jentlesoo 3 года назад +45

      @@ratiomaster8062 ikr

    • @sus8704
      @sus8704 3 года назад +8


    • @Mr_Doogz
      @Mr_Doogz 3 года назад +65

      @@ratiomaster8062 not neccesarily the best, but when you have a population of like 1/7th of the total population, competition becomes a problem. Basically if you want to make it somewhere good, you gotta be spending your whole life behind a book. Or your parents gotta be rich

    • @zengod6148
      @zengod6148 3 года назад +11

      @@ratiomaster8062 they're scammers

  • @onionring010
    @onionring010 4 года назад +8880

    I love how the virus is trying to be so edgy and scary but he just shows everyone how to delete it lol

    • @iikyrxa968
      @iikyrxa968 4 года назад +91


    • @sxjxt
      @sxjxt 4 года назад +798

      candyland in the background makes it so much better

    • @flytude
      @flytude 4 года назад +29


    • @flytude
      @flytude 4 года назад +148

      But 1 question: how did he record during restart?
      edit: thanks yall

    • @Wack910
      @Wack910 4 года назад +20

      @@flytude well i dont know

  • @bestaround0
    @bestaround0 4 года назад +1003

    Virus: no escape
    This guy: escapes
    Virus: wait, that's illegal

    • @bananaknox3861
      @bananaknox3861 4 года назад +12

      This guy: *I AM HACK GOD*

    • @bl1zz8rds82
      @bl1zz8rds82 4 года назад +4

      Virus: I don't have such weaknesses
      This guy: *yes*

    • @Tripminei
      @Tripminei 4 года назад +1

      @@bl1zz8rds82 *how could. h e*

    • @Iamkitsuny
      @Iamkitsuny 4 года назад

      @@Tripminei mi mi mi "i'M tHe cREitOr oF tHe mALwARe nO esCApE " fu** you

    • @brunokun7525
      @brunokun7525 4 года назад

      @@Tripminei you its ez ;-;

  • @studio_yf
    @studio_yf 10 месяцев назад +71

    bro who is gonna actualy remember this sick tutorial.

  • @GhostJordanJ
    @GhostJordanJ 3 года назад +1683

    "Do you want to enjoy the last minutes of your computer?" Ornage Group tech: No

  • @OrangeGroupTech
    @OrangeGroupTech  4 года назад +12878

    Some of you would be thinking "Hey but endermanch already did that", but afaik endermanch did not document the software that he coded during his removal video. Here's an alternate method.
    EDIT: He put up the download link to bootdata after this video's views surpassed his lol.
    To those wondering how I managed to record this video, it's because the removing of the malware was done on a Virtual Machine (VM).
    I'm gonna add "music" to the list of blocked words

    • @lukaschristmann9890
      @lukaschristmann9890 4 года назад +122видео.html i found the thing he use

    • @OrangeGroupTech
      @OrangeGroupTech  4 года назад +347

      @@lukaschristmann9890 not the windows PE software but his boot sector fix software

    • @lukaschristmann9890
      @lukaschristmann9890 4 года назад +58

      Maybe its included? I dont really know yet

    • @boarie.
      @boarie. 4 года назад +85

      @Apple PlayZ its Enderman not enderman bruh

    • @emptyless_void
      @emptyless_void 4 года назад +20

      Ok, but Enderman don't done that. He changed registry editor and rebooted his VM

  • @champ7810
    @champ7810 4 года назад +817

    *malware goes onto computer*
    Orange tech logs in
    No escape: why do I hear boss music

  • @aheadsounds2522
    @aheadsounds2522 Год назад +510

    I cant belive 6.6 million people needed a tutorial on how to remove this

    • @goateditz_ofc
      @goateditz_ofc Год назад +70

      I got it in my recommended and watched it cuz why not

    • @DontLookAtMyName9
      @DontLookAtMyName9 Год назад +16

      My friend said it was a game

    • @silent4198
      @silent4198 Год назад

      and ishowspeed thought it was a game@@DontLookAtMyName9

    • @Help-Rubikscubemaster029
      @Help-Rubikscubemaster029 11 месяцев назад +1


    • @RektByGnome
      @RektByGnome 10 месяцев назад +9

      I just watched it becuase it was on my recommended

  • @MusselManEmil
    @MusselManEmil 2 года назад +1045

    Him rebooting into NoEscape.exe is like going back to the final boss battle after doing every sidequest.

  • @lemonn989
    @lemonn989 4 года назад +1882

    the scariest thing here isnt the virus but the fact youre so good at coding

    • @galaxyskyplays551
      @galaxyskyplays551 4 года назад +30

      The fact that im not smart then i cant do that without knowledge

    • @pez2536
      @pez2536 4 года назад +24

      The scariest thing here is the intro sonf

    • @dijkstra4678
      @dijkstra4678 4 года назад +120

      This is not really classed as 'coding' but I gotta admit man knows his way around windows

    • @krimsonbun
      @krimsonbun 4 года назад +51

      There was no coding involved here

    • @Mobilizes
      @Mobilizes 4 года назад +3

      @@pez2536 god the ptsd

  • @adachiplsrailme
    @adachiplsrailme 4 года назад +7365

    edgy virus: THERE IS NO ESCAPE
    OGT: escapes
    edgy virus: *excuse me what the fuck*

  • @BusinessOfTheBusiness
    @BusinessOfTheBusiness Год назад +54

    I watched the WHOLE video knowing that I don't need it later... I hope I'll get an award for that

    • @gamertypeawesome
      @gamertypeawesome 9 месяцев назад +2


    • @Who1156
      @Who1156 9 месяцев назад +1


    • @thegoddamnsun5657
      @thegoddamnsun5657 7 месяцев назад +3


    • @thegoddamnsun5657
      @thegoddamnsun5657 7 месяцев назад


    • @r0s3yz3n
      @r0s3yz3n 17 дней назад

      SAME TBH (i watched entirely 7 times, yikes.)

  • @louizestacio6074
    @louizestacio6074 3 года назад +295

    This man is the most experienced person I've seen to ever use a computer

  • @floorepic
    @floorepic 4 года назад +3684

    imagine if someone just casually has their password as "death"

    • @ng2261
      @ng2261 4 года назад +97

      Probably the Death members (it's a metal band)

    • @solarchx
      @solarchx 4 года назад +30

      me when pc

    • @emoji4479
      @emoji4479 4 года назад +11


    • @voonillathemalo
      @voonillathemalo 4 года назад +26

      mine is: "suicide"

    • @xndrijaaa
      @xndrijaaa 4 года назад +63

      @@voonillathemalo DOnt do it

  • @shadxh
    @shadxh 3 года назад +1391

    Imagine if he accidentally gets this malware again, he knows exactly what to do lmao

    • @ErdemtugsC
      @ErdemtugsC 3 года назад +3


    • @A_Person177
      @A_Person177 3 года назад +48

      like he ever could get malware on accident! hes a genius!

    • @mjnavarro3250
      @mjnavarro3250 3 года назад +3

      When a warning appears ? I don’t think so

    • @internalbg1218
      @internalbg1218 3 года назад +2

      @@mjnavarro3250 warning: no escape exe is iMpOsIbLe to escape

    • @bitonic589
      @bitonic589 3 года назад +2

      @@A_Person177 a normal computer user* it's not hard to figure it out

  • @czechia1_2_3
    @czechia1_2_3 11 месяцев назад +79

    Thank you. I've needed this so much. My bro had that virus and needed help. Now he give you a sub.

    • @ivychau1093
      @ivychau1093 9 месяцев назад +1

      Why did ur bro downloaded the virus?

    • @czechia1_2_3
      @czechia1_2_3 9 месяцев назад +15

      He wanted to download a game but it Has been this virus. The file was downloaded from Google so this was an incident.

    • @KeyboardistaPiano
      @KeyboardistaPiano 4 месяца назад +5

      Then there should have been a warning. AND ANYWAYS HOW DO YOU INSTALL A VIRUS WITH WINDOWS DEFENDER(windows defender is trash but it knows what noescape is)

    • @RipRLeeErmey
      @RipRLeeErmey 3 месяца назад +4

      NoEscape was made by a hobbyist as a sort of "challenge virus" that's purposefully marked as a virus so that Windows Defender and other antivirus software (like Malwarebytes) would be able to remove it before it became an issue.
      The fact that Windows Defender wasn't on and you don't have your own antivirus software installed means you were practically begging for something like this to happen.

  • @Noelleinnit
    @Noelleinnit 4 года назад +5746


    • @KaiAndFriends1
      @KaiAndFriends1 4 года назад +32

      lol 😂

    • @Beelzeon
      @Beelzeon 4 года назад +61

      @@chuuyanakaharas you dont understand the joke?

    • @nori106
      @nori106 4 года назад +15

      @@Beelzeon huh that was a joke..?..

    • @xpok3947
      @xpok3947 4 года назад +64

      @@chuuyanakaharas as funny as any entertainment you can get of any gacha video

    • @faiqassassin9100
      @faiqassassin9100 4 года назад +30

      What the actual fuck is happening in the replys
      I misspelt it on purpose

  • @superfred1.9
    @superfred1.9 3 года назад +642

    This: "There's no escape."
    OGT: "No escape? More like a challenge."

    • @britifiedaviation
      @britifiedaviation 3 года назад +6

      Not even a challenge for him

    • @cewkie
      @cewkie 3 года назад +6

      “it’s just a little tickle”

    • @Qaptyl
      @Qaptyl 3 года назад +3

      @@cewkie dapz power

  • @zun1777
    @zun1777 4 года назад +233

    The background music really adds a lot to the horror aspect

    • @leitinho4851
      @leitinho4851 3 года назад +6

      yes the music looks like from a horror movie

    • @maleeksnowy
      @maleeksnowy 2 года назад

      @@leitinho4851 it is

    • @luketimmins4425
      @luketimmins4425 2 года назад

      @@leitinho4851 Thea not the best

  • @babitakumari-i8h2l
    @babitakumari-i8h2l 10 месяцев назад +7

    We guys just cry if we got this virus
    But this Legend man installed it on his pc for just a video to help people
    Dude respect to this man👍👍

  • @tigerhack7730
    @tigerhack7730 3 года назад +4287

    What my grandparents see when I change the HDMI

    • @nickss14
      @nickss14 3 года назад +50

      correct LOL

    • @Cris-kb5mo
      @Cris-kb5mo 3 года назад +16


    • @isnipe2k301
      @isnipe2k301 3 года назад +16


    • @wazebrandon
      @wazebrandon 3 года назад +41

      @@isnipe2k301 not really. I’ve seen this type of comment on almost every type of video.

    • @simone635
      @simone635 3 года назад +4


  • @muhammadfahri3295
    @muhammadfahri3295 3 года назад +1374

    *"if there is a problem,that's mean there's also a solution"*

    • @PhilVyn46137
      @PhilVyn46137 3 года назад +6


    • @ScianaTheWall
      @ScianaTheWall 3 года назад +5

      I agree

    • @PhilVyn46137
      @PhilVyn46137 3 года назад +43

      Or "The impossible is possible, all you gotta do is make it so"

    • @robertinoo1507
      @robertinoo1507 3 года назад +28

      @@PhilVyn46137 I can jump on the moon if I wanted to?

    • @PhilVyn46137
      @PhilVyn46137 3 года назад +8

      @@robertinoo1507 ...Umm.. Yeah?

  • @ColbyMegaFunny
    @ColbyMegaFunny 4 года назад +413

    I love how the music is so cheerful yet the footage looks like satan's personal pc

  • @Babstamidwheel
    @Babstamidwheel 29 дней назад +2

    I can't believe this man just cured computer cancer

  • @thatrandomscripter4057
    @thatrandomscripter4057 4 года назад +350

    Orange Group Tech: *Escapes*
    NoEscape.exe: *Wait that's illegal*

  • @namechangedtemporarily7112
    @namechangedtemporarily7112 4 года назад +79

    I like how the malware you installed is like “bro you sure?”

  • @senbaluga
    @senbaluga 3 года назад +332

    the fact that he recorded this and then uploaded on the same day is just amazing. love your videos

    • @bnen9724
      @bnen9724 3 года назад +1

      There was no need to edit maybe just render it and speed it up and put the texts, still immpresive tho.

    • @flamcharm
      @flamcharm 2 года назад +3

      @@bnen9724 there was no need to edit except when he edited is literally what ur saying

    • @flamcharm
      @flamcharm 2 года назад +2

      @@bnen9724 the text take more time than u think

  • @therealenashinonome
    @therealenashinonome 3 года назад +69

    ‘do you want to enjoy the last minutes using your computer?’
    that was great

  • @taktoja1699
    @taktoja1699 3 года назад +323

    >"do you want to enjoy las..."
    >Proceeds to escape

    • @baconwhopper
      @baconwhopper 3 года назад +6

      How so many likes I can't even get 1

    • @Ransarya
      @Ransarya 3 года назад +3

      @@baconwhopper bro he’s only got 69 whatchu on ‘bout

    • @baconwhopper
      @baconwhopper 3 года назад +1

      @@Ransarya funny number haha

    • @luhvicee
      @luhvicee 3 года назад

      @@Ransarya he got 69420 mins wdym bro

  • @epin_gamer4209
    @epin_gamer4209 4 года назад +475

    NoEscape: you can't defeat me, wrecked fool.
    this person who just deleted it: *I am 4 parallel universes ahead of you.*

    • @Soredli
      @Soredli 4 года назад +8

      Me reading this comment: *I feel 1000 parallel universes ahead of you two*

    • @epin_gamer4209
      @epin_gamer4209 4 года назад +1

      @@Soredli lol

    • @quantumfang2185
      @quantumfang2185 4 года назад +2

      I uninstalled my computer and reinstalled it

    • @JustKirbss
      @JustKirbss 4 года назад +1


    • @mathismt1222
      @mathismt1222 4 года назад +1

      i know but he can
      Orange Group Tech: have fun dying.

  • @notethanyt
    @notethanyt Год назад +8

    even thought this is an tutorial it's so satisfying to watch

    • @cooliocoolster123
      @cooliocoolster123 10 месяцев назад

      its not, hes just doing it and explaining it

  • @kibukaj2956
    @kibukaj2956 4 года назад +662

    _Renames file to "YesEscape.exe"_

  • @vubui1258
    @vubui1258 3 года назад +530

    Plot twist pt.2:he just change username from “NO ESCAPE” to “YES ESCAPE”

  • @jimmyaveragetoes
    @jimmyaveragetoes 4 года назад +441

    Me not having enough storage to download NoEscape.exe: I have beaten you

    • @rizky3349
      @rizky3349 4 года назад +30

      Me that dont have windows: im outsmarting your outsmarting

    • @meixotic
      @meixotic 4 года назад +11

      I have -1KB storage

    • @fartmaster4207
      @fartmaster4207 4 года назад +13

      Me not downloading noescape.exe: you fool you have fallen for one of the classic blunders I am 4 parallel universes ahead of you I have already found an escape

    • @Viscorl
      @Viscorl 4 года назад +2

      @@Noname-fd7pc its a lie,dont believe him kiddo

    • @johnharbin8585
      @johnharbin8585 4 года назад +6

      @@Noname-fd7pc r/whoosh

  • @robotjoseph2051
    @robotjoseph2051 Год назад +4

    surprised that you only have 21.1k subs that subscribe button looks really good so ima subscribe keep up the work
    and cant believe you actually beat the No.Escape.EXE

  • @Luke3k
    @Luke3k 4 года назад +129

    Noescape.exe: ŃØ ĘŠĆÄPĘ
    Orange group tech: im boutta end this mans whole career

    • @Luke3k
      @Luke3k 4 года назад +1

      Thx for 129 likes!!! I appreciate it a lot and a ton!!!

  • @J2_squared
    @J2_squared 3 года назад +430

    "Do you want to enjoy the last minutes of your computer?"
    this guy: no

    • @hellman5341
      @hellman5341 3 года назад +14

      no *closes window*
      No escape: *Hes too powerful!*

    • @J2_squared
      @J2_squared 3 года назад

      r u dumb
      am i talking about foxy

    • @DragonBallMyCocaine
      @DragonBallMyCocaine 3 года назад +1

      @️urso amarelo Golden x toy Chica da fuck

    • @Randlee1
      @Randlee1 3 года назад

      @️urso amarelo Golden x toy Chica ?

    • @J2_squared
      @J2_squared 3 года назад

      bruh what the fuck

  • @charlesonjr3rdpikmin
    @charlesonjr3rdpikmin 3 года назад +139

    Virus: You cant defeat me.
    Windows Defender: I know but he can.
    *Orange Group Tech in the backround*

  • @zasyed30
    @zasyed30 8 месяцев назад +3

    Finally a video that uses Candyland but regular instead of low quality

  • @batchoysumallo6053
    @batchoysumallo6053 3 года назад +3457

    He is literally doing a lot more work than the hacker who made the virus.

    • @arxalier2956
      @arxalier2956 3 года назад +484

      I think you underestimate the amount of work and knowledge it takes to make a malware which needs so much work to remove.

    • @Confractus_
      @Confractus_ 3 года назад +134

      @@arxalier2956 tbh this malware was out of the ordinary bc most malware now is just script kiddies.

    • @lollol-es5yr
      @lollol-es5yr 3 года назад +67

      bruh, me trying to ATTEMPT TO MAKE THIS VIRUS, took me 5 weeks. Mostly pain and searching for why things dont work.

    • @crazyx92
      @crazyx92 3 года назад +12

      @@lollol-es5yr bro that's dark

    • @isassin
      @isassin 3 года назад +29

      @@lollol-es5yr solution to that is just don't be a scum bag making viruses

  • @TianmenSquare1989
    @TianmenSquare1989 4 года назад +134

    Something about this satisfies me. The knowledge that there is always a way out.

    • @FanBFplayz
      @FanBFplayz 4 года назад


    • @kaliuchissss
      @kaliuchissss 3 года назад


    • @xAffan
      @xAffan 3 года назад +7

      well the thing is the virus just "deletes" the partition but the data is still on the hard drive so it can be recovered

    • @pika3207
      @pika3207 3 года назад

      @@xAffan that sux

    • @badgoy1573
      @badgoy1573 3 года назад

      If there's a will, there's a way.

  • @crzzyy
    @crzzyy 4 года назад +2302

    5 year old me after installing "free minecraft": oh look at this app,no.escape,what's that? _three seconds later_ *_M U M_*

    • @momoringsbook
      @momoringsbook 4 года назад +27

      Hi (●’◡’●)ノ teacher Duolingo, help me learn some language please🙏😓

    • @Kriegsploink
      @Kriegsploink 4 года назад +46

      @@basedSkeleton uhh
      konichiwa god me uh
      no dios uno

    • @aurexify
      @aurexify 4 года назад +58

      @@Kriegsploink Spanish or vanish

    • @Kriegsploink
      @Kriegsploink 4 года назад +24

      @@aurexify SI MUCHO TACO

    • @itsyaboisunny5072
      @itsyaboisunny5072 4 года назад +3

      @@basedSkeleton yeh a skeleton

  • @_Norv
    @_Norv Год назад +54

    This man does a better job that legitimate anti-virus centers.

  • @Taupe-
    @Taupe- 4 года назад +499

    NoEscape.exe : You can't escape
    OGT : *escapes*
    NoEscape.exe : *surprised pikachu face*

    • @demodertf2
      @demodertf2 3 года назад +2

      NoEscape: you weren't sapost to do that

    • @sushitrash-dj9vq
      @sushitrash-dj9vq 3 года назад

      @@demodertf2 ah yes sapost

    • @Penguin-1966
      @Penguin-1966 3 года назад

      You: made cringe surprised pikachu face comment
      Me: thats dumb
      You: Surprised pikacu face

    • @Penguin-1966
      @Penguin-1966 3 года назад

      @@TheHeroWhoAsked i mean yeah i was kind of trying to make a joke were i used a pikachu face comment at his pikachu face comment :(

    • @charquiiiii
      @charquiiiii 3 года назад


  • @nightingale3847
    @nightingale3847 3 года назад +746

    My parents explaining how they got to school back in the day:

    • @LordRegexYT
      @LordRegexYT 3 года назад +10

      Your joke doesn't make any sense at all, wtf ?

    • @nightingale3847
      @nightingale3847 3 года назад +20

      LordRegex the person who made this video is showing us that it’s very difficult to get rid of NoEscape.exe. I made this joke because I find this similar to how parents say ‘I had to walk to school from my house which was an hour away’

    • @veigaranao8134
      @veigaranao8134 3 года назад +1

      Yeeeees xD

    • @portiaclark6662
      @portiaclark6662 3 года назад +5

      Me explaining how I got to online school to my kids

    • @pika3207
      @pika3207 3 года назад


  • @thepanzerofthelake732
    @thepanzerofthelake732 4 года назад +74

    I came in here expecting a horror game... Left finding out it actually is... Just a very dangerous one

  • @NekoxLily
    @NekoxLily Месяц назад +1

    Virus: "you have one minute to live"
    OrangeGroupTech: "Nah, you have one minute to live"

  • @senorlechuga8832
    @senorlechuga8832 3 года назад +321

    This dude: *shrugs and deletes in 10 min*

    • @bluekirbo3678
      @bluekirbo3678 3 года назад +2

      No escape: welp the last minutes where for me and not the computer

  • @chewa7087
    @chewa7087 4 года назад +193

    I love how this asked him do he want to enjoy last mins on his computer and he just answered no. XD

    • @Malam_NightYoru
      @Malam_NightYoru 3 года назад +15

      it's like:
      "It's not my last seconds *uno reverse card*"

  • @simonkgood247
    @simonkgood247 3 года назад +149

    Orange Group tech: i like ya cut g

    • @mosqit4324
      @mosqit4324 3 года назад +6

      _s l a p_

    • @internalbg1218
      @internalbg1218 3 года назад +2


    • @user-cu9rb9cx6m
      @user-cu9rb9cx6m 3 года назад +1

      @@mosqit4324 OUCH U TOUCHED MY LITTLE AREA
      *punches face* i need a medic bag!!!!!

    • @quixotical5174
      @quixotical5174 3 года назад +1

      @Mate he gave an alternate method to clear the virus, also I see u everywhere complaining about it lmfao

    • @Agent_chees
      @Agent_chees 3 года назад

      *slap AAAAAAEEEEEEE*

  • @jellybrain7320
    @jellybrain7320 9 месяцев назад

    ''Maybe, just maybe, there is an escape'' is a phrase that fills me with determination

  • @-juanin_juan_harry-4987
    @-juanin_juan_harry-4987 4 года назад +592

    When my sister download "Sims 7"

  • @nightskyidk7411
    @nightskyidk7411 4 года назад +318

    No escape exe: I will destroy ur pc
    This guy: *casually shows how to delete the malware*

  • @cozitsphoebe6766
    @cozitsphoebe6766 3 года назад +104

    Computer: *crashes and gives blue screen of death*
    The music: *dis is a party*

  • @harleynate-flix
    @harleynate-flix Год назад +8

    Creepypasta makers when they see the color red: *invest*

  • @wolfhook608
    @wolfhook608 4 года назад +621

    "There is no game."
    "There *is* a game."
    "There is no escape."
    "There *is* an escape."

    • @srank7953
      @srank7953 4 года назад +12

      "There is heaven."
      "There is hell."

    • @iixemi
      @iixemi 4 года назад +9

      "There is no virus."
      "There *is* an virus."

    • @printandpixent.2781
      @printandpixent.2781 4 года назад +3

      @@iixemi a*

    • @EJS-jj8py
      @EJS-jj8py 4 года назад +23

      @@iixemi ma'am (I assume you are at a gender near feminine because of your name) this is IGP-00365-23 here to inform you that you just violated Article No. 1553 Section 2 which states; The use of the determiner "an" is specifically for subjects or objects that starts with a vowel. You used it as a determiner before a word that starts with a consonant, for this I must bring you to the nearest IGP station so you can give us an explanation for why you missed used the said determiner. Thank you for your time

    • @tra.v
      @tra.v 4 года назад +1

      there is there no there yes

  • @notsoadl5790
    @notsoadl5790 4 года назад +165

    Music: Happy joyful and entertaining
    The video itself: dEATH.

  • @cohli
    @cohli 4 года назад +4644

    When your brother downloads "Free Minecraft":

    • @Overr010
      @Overr010 4 года назад +65

      Its paonful i know that coz i downloaded free minecraft and huzuni

    • @Ordlnary_Gamer
      @Ordlnary_Gamer 4 года назад +13


    • @Overr010
      @Overr010 4 года назад +17

      @@Ordlnary_Gamer i mean painful

    • @Overr010
      @Overr010 4 года назад +12

      @@Ordlnary_Gamer bc i have viruses

    • @Hackermanlmao
      @Hackermanlmao 4 года назад +9

      @@Overr010 huzuni is safe wym

  • @MidtownMadness3
    @MidtownMadness3 Год назад +7


  • @Gabstermi
    @Gabstermi 4 года назад +655

    NoEscape.exe: No, this isn’t how you suppose to play the game!

    • @lookbehindyou7585
      @lookbehindyou7585 4 года назад +6

      Orange tech : *yes it is baby!*

    • @erbfamily8839
      @erbfamily8839 3 года назад +1


    • @Shichi_arts
      @Shichi_arts 3 года назад

      I ruined the 111 likes

    • @mufradr
      @mufradr 3 года назад

      @@Shichi_arts no one cares (chain)

    • @Jidemate1
      @Jidemate1 3 года назад

      @@mufradr no one cares (following the chain)

  • @silvioneto4609
    @silvioneto4609 4 года назад +1124

    The virus: Shows to be scary and creepy
    The music: 😃🎶💃

  • @oscarm9850
    @oscarm9850 4 года назад +263

    No Escape: you cant get rid of me.
    OGT: i know, but he can.
    OGT'S 200 IQ Brain:

    • @marleylugo7321
      @marleylugo7321 3 года назад

      virus: NOOOOO

    • @panman69420
      @panman69420 3 года назад

      Enderman did it, not the OGT

    • @giftko5173
      @giftko5173 3 года назад +2

      sorry to dissapoint, but that meme makes no sense

    • @marleylugo7321
      @marleylugo7321 3 года назад

      @@giftko5173 Have you watched Thor Ragnorok?

    • @giftko5173
      @giftko5173 3 года назад +2

      @@marleylugo7321 yes I have but the meme still makes no sense at all

  • @LemonCh1ffon
    @LemonCh1ffon 7 месяцев назад +2

    I watched this 3 years ago and it just got resuggested to me. Nostalgic.

  • @masterexyz1625
    @masterexyz1625 2 года назад +300

    saw this on my recommended and I just sat there looking like a complete doofus not understanding anything you did so i actually commend you for how knowledgeable you are with computers and so confident aswell

  • @clock4892
    @clock4892 3 года назад +347

    I love how the fact is this guy made NOESCAPE yes ESCAPE

  • @MrDudesMom
    @MrDudesMom 4 года назад +75

    *Literally downloads a Malware that can end your PC*
    Music: *H A P P Y*

    • @normanmonton7798
      @normanmonton7798 4 года назад +1

      Its for the people terrfied Of the virus so the music can Calm them a little bit

    • @owen7189
      @owen7189 4 года назад

      Plus it's a VM.

  • @jwyatt
    @jwyatt 8 месяцев назад

    I find it funny that the malware is self aware and actually warns you before you continue, it knows how dangerous it is

  • @Fedd_ambushiscool4L
    @Fedd_ambushiscool4L Год назад +387

    I love how this man literally just started completely installing the most dangerous malware file, and literally removes it, without even being afraid of doing anything, and also is smart enough to use Windows 10 PE to fix this. Outstanding job at this, man.
    Edit: i started a war in the comments

    • @f0kes32
      @f0kes32 Год назад +17

      he installed it on a virtual machine obviously

    • @Fedd_ambushiscool4L
      @Fedd_ambushiscool4L Год назад +12

      @@f0kes32 Not my point

    • @PiethowerX7
      @PiethowerX7 Год назад +9

      ​@@f0kes32 🤓🤓

    • @PowerMiner
      @PowerMiner Год назад +3

      cant you just remove it by reinstalling windows on dualboot on another partition

    • @FlittaLink
      @FlittaLink Год назад +9

      @@Fedd_ambushiscool4Lif he uses a virtual machine it makes him less afraid to download viruses like these, so it’s at least relevant to your point

  • @Aeroguy_09
    @Aeroguy_09 2 года назад +497

    I love how the fact the creator of the malware put a warning before starting the virus. A lot of the times viruses would just run instantly. That is nice. Imagine if someone randomly got a virus and was able to fix this lol.

    • @endevomgelende8634
      @endevomgelende8634 2 года назад

      This was Made as more of a Project, rather than a virus with malicious intent

    • @bulletbro4745
      @bulletbro4745 2 года назад +9

      I sense a disturbance in the force of originality.

    • @statsom
      @statsom 2 года назад +70

      It was a project, not malicious.

    • @Aeroguy_09
      @Aeroguy_09 2 года назад +5

      @@statsom Oh

    • @nubbyboi6523
      @nubbyboi6523 2 года назад +9

      @@statsom Technically a malicious project lol

  • @NorbYyY_GG
    @NorbYyY_GG 3 года назад +220

    The dude who created the virus be like: no, that's not how youre supposed to play the game

    • @R8Spike
      @R8Spike 3 года назад +7

      I think the only way he got the virus in the first place is to be a trusted friend of the guy who made it for a long time. There is a waring when you open the file I saw on the vid

    • @Lediani182
      @Lediani182 3 года назад +2

      the guy who made the virus literally show how to remove

    • @OrangeGroupTech
      @OrangeGroupTech  3 года назад +12

      too bad

    • @OrangeGroupTech
      @OrangeGroupTech  3 года назад +9

      @@R8Spike the malware was publicly released, i am not endermanch's friend, though i'm not saying that i hate him or anything

    • @ghfjhdfh
      @ghfjhdfh 3 года назад +6

      @@OrangeGroupTech Well ur still a genius.

  • @Urusjsn
    @Urusjsn Год назад +1

    The goodest guy to destory this no escape! 10/10

  • @sheepbow909
    @sheepbow909 4 года назад +391

    Meanwhile Alan Becker: *legit has 5 stickmen AIs beating the shit out of the virus*

  • @mentalcelstefan7086
    @mentalcelstefan7086 2 года назад +363

    Even if this virus is ridicolously edgy and uses a lot of cheap techniques to scare a viewer I still find creepypasta viruses intriguing.

    • @mineeternal4748
      @mineeternal4748 2 года назад +11

      Huh I didn’t know there were creepy pasta viruses

    • @exotic1405
      @exotic1405 2 года назад +15

      There's a very deep rabbit hole about this

    • @38mb.
      @38mb. 2 года назад

      @@mineeternal4748 000.exe is like a classic

  • @s1lent718
    @s1lent718 3 года назад +1492

    Plot twist: The music was actually from the virus

    • @olddolanwasbetter9615
      @olddolanwasbetter9615 3 года назад +111

      The people who got the virus: **frustrated dancing intensifies**

    • @vermilion3658
      @vermilion3658 3 года назад +39

      *vibing while escaping the virus*

    • @ramn1537
      @ramn1537 3 года назад +12

      More creepy for me,annoying actualy.

    • @pika3207
      @pika3207 3 года назад +1

      plot twist

    • @content4you342
      @content4you342 3 года назад

      @@s1lent718 plot twist : the music was actually from the virus

  • @nemes1s320
    @nemes1s320 Год назад

    Although I’m a mechanical engin, I always hyped by these knowledge.
    Shout out to all the cybersecurities!!!

  • @OfficialLiamz
    @OfficialLiamz 2 месяца назад +2

    This is COMPLETELY real.My Cousin’s PC downloaded the NOESCAPE.exe and we watch the tutorial on how to remove this virus and it actually worked!I'm being thankful of who is the creator of this channel it was HELPFUL.

  • @randomgem8087
    @randomgem8087 3 года назад +86

    for some reasons, this is extremely satisfying.

    • @cloaker5445
      @cloaker5445 3 года назад +7

      It's because he utterly destroyed a virus at its own game

  • @xadi5944
    @xadi5944 4 года назад +85

    What my grandma and grandpa see when i change to hdmi 2 from hdmi 1

    • @alexwelt
      @alexwelt 4 года назад

      Its the truth

    • @Korovalski
      @Korovalski 4 года назад


    • @calamital6073
      @calamital6073 4 года назад +1

      What my mom sees when I change the netflix audio from 5.1 to nromal:

  • @macelol7477
    @macelol7477 3 года назад +14

    I love how there is so many little crevices on computers that normally we would NEVER find

  • @Gregger57
    @Gregger57 2 месяца назад

    i like how i’ve had this saved in my tutorial playlist for like almost 3 years just in case this ever happens to me lol