no6sucks said:Man, this NFT topic sure is controversial. There's been a lot of negative talk about it for a long time ago. That one Racing Miku NFT even had to be canceled cause of backlash. So crazy how that happened.
It's also so crazy you have to spend money on them? Whoa. You buy them on the basis that someday they might increase in value? You buy them as some sort of weird "exclusivity"? You have to
b u y them? You have to spend real dollars on them? Insane. I wouldn't know how to handle it if people took this system and used it to essentially promote gambling.
It's pretty cool to see an anime approach such a controversial topic. I'm sure they must touch up on all the nuances. Go over all the pros and cons. After all, being such a controversial topic, they definitely addressed the negatives. Wait, what? They only talked about the positives? They're depicted exclusively positively? They're only seen as a good thing in-universe? Wait, Kizuna AI's parent company even sells NFTs? That's crazy.
I wonder if it was to promote NFTs as a positive thing so they could maybe sell some. Or maybe they just didn't wanna display them in a negative light at all. I can't imagine why they wouldn't wanna do that, though. So strange.
(I am being very sarcastic if you cannot tell.)
You are reaching so hard here that I worry about your arms. How can they carry all of that bias AND pull such a sarcastic, closed narrative at the same time? Might want to see a doctor.