I Played a Tier 4 vs Tier 5 vs Tier 6 Loadout in Arena Breakout Infinite

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • In this video, I put T4 vs T5 vs T6 gear to test which loadout works the BEST for me in Arena Breakout Infinite.
    ➡️ www.arenabreak...
    Join me in this gameplay video as I try to figure out which loadout is the best for me to use on Forbidden TV Station. I'll pit Tier 4 vs Tier 5 vs Tier 6 Gear and assess how you can save or make money in Arena Breakout Infinite.
    RUclips: / @kleptobis
    Twitch: / kleptobis
    Twitter: x.com/KleptoBis
    Use Creator Code "Klepto" to earn FREE Rewards!
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    #arenabreakoutinfinite #arenabreakoutpc #extractionshooter #arenabreakout
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Комментарии • 138

  • @KleptoBis
    @KleptoBis  Месяц назад +6

    I forgot to mention I was using 7.62x51mm M61 T6 Ammo for the M110 on the last game. Also, thanks for following me on Twitch!
    I'll be setting up my Twitch channel in the near future for a LIVE: ZERO to HERO Challenge!
    Follow my Twitch: www.twitch.tv/kleptobis
    I'll notify you when I go LIVE!
    🔥Thank you for over 1,500 Subscribers!🔥

  • @-KLEEKO-
    @-KLEEKO- 29 дней назад +50

    When you are heavy and in a fight, drop your backpack

    • @MichealZaWozski
      @MichealZaWozski 26 дней назад +7

      For those that dont know double click x to drop it!

  • @301stsmg2
    @301stsmg2 27 дней назад +10

    The fact, that you were playing with Chinese players you got a good teammate. 15:10

    • @KleptoBis
      @KleptoBis  26 дней назад

      Fun fact: that guy was NA, we were in discord but I forgot to record discord audio 🤫😅

  • @sisi.arg999
    @sisi.arg999 29 дней назад +7

    i wanna sey 2 things, first u talk so clear and the second is this is a great video men, keep doing this type of videos pls

    • @KleptoBis
      @KleptoBis  29 дней назад +2

      Thank you much! Glad to hear the feedback on the voice audio 🙏

  • @KinuoKino
    @KinuoKino 28 дней назад +6

    Off topic (or maybe not...) but always ALWAYS assume you're enemy's have a advantage over you, weather they have better gear or they're holding an angle. So don't always rush, and try stuff like baiting or anything that can give you an upper hand.

    • @DexterRoberts-s1t
      @DexterRoberts-s1t 20 дней назад

      Yea a guy did that today and I literally let him walk into the bullet who isn't using t4 on lockdown like why risk rush

  • @Tank314
    @Tank314 27 дней назад +3

    Tip: small maps like tv station wouldn't support light body armors that much heavy body armors can sometimes be best in tv plus since it's a close range map snipers especially bolt actions are quite hard to use

  • @Chris08924
    @Chris08924 28 дней назад +2

    First of all, I love the nice gameplay, and second of all, as a current Arena Breakout Mobile player who has many hours in the game, I can help you a lot with Tetris!

  • @samkarpet3885
    @samkarpet3885 28 дней назад +3

    Worn out blast helmet with a T5 chest is a more cost effective kit than using a T6 chest only cause the niche use case of eating 338 AP to the chest is not worth droping an extra 350k

  • @AlejandroHernandez-99
    @AlejandroHernandez-99 29 дней назад +1

    Very intertaining video! Loved the raids, commentary, practically everything is SPOT ON! Amazing job Klepto! 🎉❤💯

    • @KleptoBis
      @KleptoBis  26 дней назад +1

      Cheers! Thank you brother, means a lot ❤️

  • @abdulkareemaliyu8991
    @abdulkareemaliyu8991 27 дней назад +2

    First time here and have to say... this was nice.
    Hope to catch you live someday. Ggs bro

    • @KleptoBis
      @KleptoBis  26 дней назад

      Glad you enjoyed! Hope to see ya on stream 😁

  • @yashyma0102
    @yashyma0102 17 дней назад +1

    Guy with SJ can see you because he was further away from the corner than you, it works like in CSGO, the best thing is to peak the angles as far away from the corner as possible so that you can see each other at least at the same time.

    • @KleptoBis
      @KleptoBis  17 дней назад

      Thanks for this! I'll need to put it into practice to make it a habit now. I've never heard anyone talk about this before, appreciate the insight 🫡

  • @SpacialWisdom9248
    @SpacialWisdom9248 15 дней назад +1

    Playing boring is the key when soloing... You don't want a contest with 4 other players (or more like 3rd parties) unless you really intend to. Let everyone fight then you being a 3rd party is always the best bet.

  • @dgrizzlyyt5630
    @dgrizzlyyt5630 29 дней назад +23

    man i swear i don't want playing with people who speak their local language in an online game thinking everyone could understand them

    • @ZoutSnuifer-y3u
      @ZoutSnuifer-y3u 29 дней назад +13

      But english is not a language everyone “needs” to learn though? Not really their fault for talking ehat they grew up with

    • @Gjhfggdyyg
      @Gjhfggdyyg 29 дней назад

      Lmfao, typical ‘merican.
      When there are more than 2 people in team speaking the same language, that’s not English, I guess you are just the third(fourth) wheel in the team buddy. Gtfo

    • @famazyt
      @famazyt 29 дней назад

      the reason why my game chat is disabled

    • @famazyt
      @famazyt 29 дней назад

      @@ZoutSnuifer-y3u most of them know basic english but they refuse to speak it because mother russia is better language in their eyes

    • @Gjhfggdyyg
      @Gjhfggdyyg 29 дней назад +2

      @@famazyt no, because 3 russians>1 ‘merican.
      Basic math.

  • @MoistSock22
    @MoistSock22 25 дней назад +1

    like watching you play games like this homie

  • @manufaas2815
    @manufaas2815 26 дней назад +3

    I'm not quire sure I agree with the conclusion, though t6 ammo is problematic, running a t6 helmet really good against any gun that doesn't run t6 ammo, which is a lot of them, and the durability is much better than t5 as well.

    • @KleptoBis
      @KleptoBis  24 дня назад +1

      This is a fair argument. Used to play a card game called Hearthstone with a similar point in its community. Rather than putting in a card that counters specific decks

  • @907goatscream
    @907goatscream 29 дней назад +1

    Nice vid. Only change i would make is not using m995. kinda terrible t5 ammo. A1 works with the high rof 556 guns. May just topload a couple

  • @hebibheshimli753
    @hebibheshimli753 27 дней назад +1

    Nice video buddy, i'm happy your attemps end with profit.

    • @KleptoBis
      @KleptoBis  26 дней назад +1

      Thank you brother🙏

    @SNIPERGAMINGab 29 дней назад +1

    Nice Editing 👌🏻

  • @ishuikamakura272
    @ishuikamakura272 28 дней назад +1

    Ayy good video as always Klep, also love the username KleptoBismol is genius 😂

    • @KleptoBis
      @KleptoBis  26 дней назад +1

      Glad you like it! I had heartburn for a while so it felt right 😅

  • @quandeldingel4168
    @quandeldingel4168 28 дней назад +2

    I don't play arena breakout infinite but your video is so interesting it made me watch the whole thing😂

    • @KleptoBis
      @KleptoBis  26 дней назад

      I appreciate that, thank you. 🙂‍↕️

  • @legion3245
    @legion3245 28 дней назад +1

    For a tier 6 helmet the SH65 is great is has low sound blocking and high ricochet and if you’re looking for a teammate I would gladly squad up I’m master I

  • @Drift9x19
    @Drift9x19 29 дней назад +5

    Runnin m110 on tv w t6 is a bit dumb xD, but im on mobile so idk whenever I run t6, im using fal or mk with 61s

    • @abdulkareemaliyu8991
      @abdulkareemaliyu8991 27 дней назад

      The PC playstyle is a lot different. You run into SJ16 players alot more on PC and incomparison on mobile the Ax50 is rarely what you see in a map like TV. Time to scope in on PC is too fast. If it took as long as it takes on mobile to scope in on weapons like SJ, so many people will only take it as the sniper it is to Valley and Northridge and take pistols for close range. You just cannot use them close range on mobile with the scope (its difficult)
      The main reason is the time it takes to scope in. On PC is a lot faster than mobile.

    • @Drift9x19
      @Drift9x19 22 дня назад

      @@abdulkareemaliyu8991 ok but its m110, not sj xD mk then if all guns quick ads lik bruh

  • @tyicusgaming
    @tyicusgaming 29 дней назад +1

    This type of content is 100% more entertaining to watch. Over the Chad meta make millions videos.

    • @samkarpet3885
      @samkarpet3885 28 дней назад

      End of the day, its more so that others care about wining and making "flex" content that shows off their skills rather than doing something experimental like this to show an average perspective of how using these kinds of kits feels. But overall if you get good and start winning gunfights, the money feels more like a byproduct of your sucess. For me personally having 550 hours in ABI, I do fall into the same group as the streamers in terms of having good skill at the game but for me personally, I do enjoy the survival aspect more than the COD style hold W till you win mind set

  • @iimlazyy
    @iimlazyy 28 дней назад +3

    sh12, t4 chest, stock m24 and m61 got me to 105mil urrah

    • @Codename067
      @Codename067 28 дней назад

      rat detected

    • @iimlazyy
      @iimlazyy 27 дней назад

      @Codename067 rarely atp just got a secret doc today, stopped caring

    • @xiaoweiY1
      @xiaoweiY1 21 день назад

      i called the SH12 the rat helmet lol

  • @TheJohan850
    @TheJohan850 29 дней назад +1

    This is by far some of the best AB content I’ve seen. Keep up the good work.

  • @KaraDipu-bg2by
    @KaraDipu-bg2by 27 дней назад +1

    Ur videos make me confident to play arena breakout

    • @ARN1Sx
      @ARN1Sx 27 дней назад

      Dont play full of cheaters

  • @DonnyZaZa
    @DonnyZaZa 28 дней назад +2

    good content and commentary

  • @gregorgailan2849
    @gregorgailan2849 29 дней назад +1

    Dawg i need you on my team you got that youtuber luck😂

  • @ДантеАлигьери-щ5л
    @ДантеАлигьери-щ5л 29 дней назад +1

    Russian guys just tryin to make a deal with headset
    Klepto:no no no, yes yes yes

    • @KleptoBis
      @KleptoBis  29 дней назад

      Is that what was going on? 😂😅

    • @emptyl0l
      @emptyl0l 28 дней назад +1

      @@KleptoBis yeah, the t4 guy hadn't enough money to but a headset so he asked someone to bring it for him

  • @MDG_reaper
    @MDG_reaper 23 дня назад

    For t6 helmet personally is the gray one forgot it's name I know it as alien helmet

  • @Milioovsky
    @Milioovsky 29 дней назад +3

    bro is fighting for his life againts bots

  • @jackal2626
    @jackal2626 26 дней назад +1

    you might not have best skill but ur video is mor intersting than those streamers who has good shoot like IMOW.Its because of ur editing and narration not just broadcasting the whole game.

    • @KleptoBis
      @KleptoBis  26 дней назад

      I'll take that compliment any day, thanks! Glad you enjoyed!

  • @DieTabbi
    @DieTabbi 28 дней назад +1

    4:35 I like these super skilled guys. while jumping turn around and hipfire and kill you. really?

  • @setpopa5357
    @setpopa5357 29 дней назад +1

    That guy with the SJ must have been cheating there is no way he had this good reaction time.

    • @UncrownedAsura
      @UncrownedAsura 29 дней назад

      If you're talking about the one that killed Klepto, then I think you need to go Aim Labs and practice and see the difference between pushing peak performance in regards to reaction speed and a casual. As the guy clearly saw his head peak out and pop him straight away.

    • @setpopa5357
      @setpopa5357 29 дней назад

      ​@@UncrownedAsuraI understend you could get this fast reaction quit easily in Cs/Val because the rounds are short. But in Arena Breakout you will need to wait ages before someone peaks the angle. That incriese your reaction time. This kill seem like something under 250ms wich is pro level reaction time. Plus accout for bad ping because he seems to be from china. It may be some desing but I would definetly report him to be s ure.

    • @UncrownedAsura
      @UncrownedAsura 29 дней назад

      @@setpopa5357 I don't see what time of a round would have to do with seeing a pixel move and pressing left click. Cause ultimately that's all it is, even if he is lagging to a certain extent, he would have still seen him and shot. Plus just because he has Chinese name doesn't mean he is Chinese player. I am UK player but also use Chinese name for fun.

    • @setpopa5357
      @setpopa5357 29 дней назад

      @@UncrownedAsura Its simple imagine concentration as muscle. Depending how concetreited are you (in terms muscle its how heavy the weight is) mean you will exhoust it faster and you will need rest. Even the lightest weights can exhoust the hands preaty fast. Though now imagine holding it without any stops you will berelly be able to put your hand up and it will be uneffective. In short therm you will be able to make extreme breaktroughts like in short round times and breaks beetween rounds with heavy concetrations -> improving your reaction times exponencialy. But in long therm gameplay where you need wait long times and you are not 100% sure what coming up next make you reaction time drop exponetialy. You can try it yourself by trying record your gameplay in fast pased game like Cs2 and slow pased like ABI. And try to compare the time of rections to damage.

    • @UncrownedAsura
      @UncrownedAsura 29 дней назад

      @@setpopa5357 Bro that sounds like a skill issue. Get better I guess.

  • @nightware.
    @nightware. 16 дней назад +1

    nice edits

  • @cotnego4941
    @cotnego4941 29 дней назад

    2:00 because company that makes that game is Chinese so obviously China would buff the day or national weapons

  • @reshpekt
    @reshpekt 29 дней назад +1

    the russian team in lobby and you commenting was hilarious

  • @BeauSweatman
    @BeauSweatman 27 дней назад +1

    Lol mate, I'm a more experienced player than you, and you're my favorite extraction shooter guy. Keep it up

  • @sosilent382
    @sosilent382 28 дней назад +1

    buy the sentry btw if u wanna go t4 armored rig

  • @MrLaggius
    @MrLaggius 27 дней назад

    Wtf?.... Why is the loot quality ratio so much better than Arena Breakout Mobile???.. i have never gotten a red item in lockdown zone, and bro casually gets everything.

    • @ballabeans
      @ballabeans 26 дней назад

      its a forbidden zone which is basically lockdown on steroids

  • @yerr111
    @yerr111 29 дней назад +2

    You’re such a klepto.

  • @sekkupo6225
    @sekkupo6225 26 дней назад +1

    You sound very familiar to the ant farm guy

    • @KleptoBis
      @KleptoBis  26 дней назад

      😮 Which one? I've watched one that does time lapses in a dark room.

  • @SMANZ106
    @SMANZ106 Месяц назад +3

    Higher tier ammo is definitely worth it, t4 gear with good ammo definitely go to budget

    • @KleptoBis
      @KleptoBis  Месяц назад +1

      I'll have to test out some budget builds for sure. I want to use the armored rigs more.

  • @SibiriangamerHD
    @SibiriangamerHD 29 дней назад

    Let me know if you wanna run squads. Would love to run some games with you. Very similar skill level as well

  • @nlml-e1f
    @nlml-e1f 29 дней назад +1

    i love your spanglish. good videos mate

    • @KleptoBis
      @KleptoBis  26 дней назад

      I was wondering if people notice my struggling to get words out 😅 Glad you like the videos!

  • @SolarDragonzx
    @SolarDragonzx 28 дней назад

    So if you want to get some tips you can go to the mobile version and see so pro player play

  • @Saloman4ik
    @Saloman4ik День назад

    2:50 stop walking as you shoot. that is not COD brother!

  • @cynthiamuzangomu8118
    @cynthiamuzangomu8118 27 дней назад +1

    Good vid, but Alien T6 is better than Pubg one, it aloes you to use headsets

  • @Markopolo-sm6fh
    @Markopolo-sm6fh 28 дней назад +1

    Not the T7 😢😢😢

  • @Curious-lo9wl
    @Curious-lo9wl 28 дней назад

    This is what an average player think and plays like, I dont want a demon strafing and jiggle-crouching like a demon in my lobby.

    • @Curious-lo9wl
      @Curious-lo9wl 28 дней назад +1

      I usually run this forbidden zone without an armor or helmet, but just a headset and expensive gun, T4 aint even worth it 'cause they already have M62 or m995 here, just invest in ammo and the gun; pick up armors from bots. Not only you have the chance to kill high-tier players, but you also have increased movement speed.

  • @SzymonZabój
    @SzymonZabój 29 дней назад +1

    bro pls tell me how u are so lucky to get that ti mode and teapot, bro i played like 10 raids in forbidden tv and still not even red

    • @abdulkareemaliyu8991
      @abdulkareemaliyu8991 27 дней назад

      May be you play slow and let others have the safes? Take charge of the safe, they are yours!😂

    • @KleptoBis
      @KleptoBis  26 дней назад

      I try to only use keys in Forbidden now. But I was fs blessed with RNG on that free safe 😂

  • @skylaraguillard232
    @skylaraguillard232 29 дней назад

    So run t6 armor with t4/t5helmet

  • @Krtacticalvr
    @Krtacticalvr 4 дня назад

    When I turn on auto match I don’t get teammates help

  • @ДмитрийМусин-х9г
    @ДмитрийМусин-х9г 29 дней назад +1

    Когда попадаешь в лобби с теми кто говорит на непонятном языке просто скажи что ты англоговорящий и тебе могут переводить, я как то смотрел игру в CSGO где один из игроков был глухой и команда подстроилась к нему и первый умерший писал в чат всю инфу.

    • @KleptoBis
      @KleptoBis  29 дней назад

      Привет. Я использовал Google для перевода. Я ценю ваш комментарий. Спасибо. Я постараюсь иметь это в виду, так как я все еще стесняюсь играть со случайными людьми. Я не использовал микрофон в игровом чате, потому что знаю, что им может быть неприятно общаться со мной. 😅😁

    • @ДмитрийМусин-х9г
      @ДмитрийМусин-х9г 28 дней назад +1

      @@KleptoBis я думаю им будет гораздо неприятнее если они умрут по причине что ты их не понял, а они рассчитывали что ты все понимаешь. В youtube встроен переводчик, нету нужды переводить в ответ, лучше если я буду видеть оригинал и youtube поможет с переводом той части что я не понимаю.

  • @Nah_man_im_a_walmartbag4567
    @Nah_man_im_a_walmartbag4567 29 дней назад +2

    Bro richer than me😭

    • @KleptoBis
      @KleptoBis  29 дней назад

      I'm gettin' that luck on reds I've been missing out on 😎

  • @melindakocsis6187
    @melindakocsis6187 Месяц назад +1

    woww instantly into tv forb. with t4 solo some brave play

    • @KleptoBis
      @KleptoBis  Месяц назад

      I was scared the whole match! 😨

  • @FunniesRS
    @FunniesRS 29 дней назад +1

    ive gone in with absolute trash gear, and had plenty ricochets, the first time i chadded up in full t6, i got 1 shot LOL what a waste of time and koen

  • @gamblerpro8978
    @gamblerpro8978 28 дней назад

    There is no balance in this game. I am tired of naked rats running with t6-7 ammo. There is no action in this game. Its a sniper simulator

  • @wintercrying7041
    @wintercrying7041 29 дней назад +1

    I will scare u, but they were arguing about how to drop u down on extract
    Если переведёшь это в Google Translate, то поймёшь - я просто подшучиваю)

  • @Daixe0
    @Daixe0 29 дней назад +1

    its goated content tbh

  • @troyupcroft2184
    @troyupcroft2184 29 дней назад

    Are reds really that common in forbidden I've only ever played lock down as I've got 7 mil stash

    • @KleptoBis
      @KleptoBis  29 дней назад

      Might have just hit with RNG🤔 I'd have to hit more Forbidden safes to find out.

  • @gabraffabellamecono3108
    @gabraffabellamecono3108 25 дней назад

    watch 1cestreme he has an vidio for tetrest but its on the molbe virsion

  • @Nybis
    @Nybis 29 дней назад +2

    TM2 armor is paper even T3 bullet shreds it

    • @KleptoBis
      @KleptoBis  29 дней назад +1

      Now that you mention it, it does have lower durability actually 🤔

  • @KayAnderson888
    @KayAnderson888 29 дней назад

    Bro is the definition of bad aim rat when running t4 t5

  • @ako5426
    @ako5426 28 дней назад +1

    you should really stop playing with anything soundblocking man its a really huge disadvantage and stick to something like IND70 or IND50 (with gs2 headset) for t5 use the O3H or AN95 there really good, or if your on a budget the sh65 t6 is good for LOW soundblocking unlike most helmets you used in this video (severe sound blocking) and t5 budget is AN95 is comes with a commander headset and the t4 facemask is cheap for it.

  • @Benjamin-tu1pk
    @Benjamin-tu1pk 28 дней назад

    It doesn't feel worth it to wear T6 helmets in the current state of the game, quick kit mosins with good ammo can one tap you still with no risk and in forbidden 99% of players run the fal/m110 with M61, its better just to wear cheap helmets with high ricochet chance. If they remove red ammo from the market and take quick kits out of lockdown I think the meta would change and encourage more aggressive gameplay.

    • @pwinceee1362
      @pwinceee1362 27 дней назад

      bro even if u remove quickits players can still wear low tier with highbullets in lockdowns xD. quickkits help a lot of new players, just get good if u die then u die it's just a game.

    • @Benjamin-tu1pk
      @Benjamin-tu1pk 27 дней назад

      @pwinceee1362 I agree that quick kits help new players, but they shouldn't be able to Q in lockdown, "especially if theyre a new player" I have no problem with people budget running, but the current meta is boring and encourages rat gameplay.

    • @pwinceee1362
      @pwinceee1362 27 дней назад

      @@Benjamin-tu1pk this is the game that u need strategies to win, rat gamers I can't blame them, but tbh I barely encounter rat gamers nowadays. or it's just me

  • @13thtrifa40
    @13thtrifa40 29 дней назад +1

    I wish i could get carried by u im on 100k koen r.n TvT

    • @KleptoBis
      @KleptoBis  26 дней назад +1

      I'm not THAT good at all but, I'll pray to the loot gods for you 🙏

  • @_bly
    @_bly 28 дней назад

    Я умирал и т3 и т4 и т5 и т6 и т7
    Мп5 на экспонсивках......
    Зачем тогла нам разделения по тирам, если можно умереть от игрока за 20к коэнов экипировки??? 😂😂😂😂

  • @TheRealRiehm
    @TheRealRiehm 8 дней назад

    Why sign up for duolingo when you can play arena? хорошая игра

  • @CaymanMac87
    @CaymanMac87 29 дней назад +2

    T4 armor and helmets in my opinion are pointless to run unless it’s farm and you’re using t3/t4 weapon and ammo.
    I’ve also ran full t6 set ups but it’s pointless since quick kit rats just use m61 and try to come up on your gear.
    The best set up that works for me is t5 armor and t6 helmet with a mix of t4&t5 ammo.
    I also like to use the t6 helmet the hg84 with gas mask doesn’t have good ricochet chance but it will keep you alive . I like the commentary in your videos I can’t focus when I watch other people play but I enjoyed this video from start to finish

    • @KleptoBis
      @KleptoBis  29 дней назад

      Thanks for explaining your take on this! It's for sure worth it to run T5 armor and I like your idea of stacking T5/T4 ammo. I'm glad you enjoyed the video, I appreciate it!

    @OJAVIATION.k 28 дней назад

    M995 are t6

  • @mikel9413
    @mikel9413 29 дней назад

    How can I get rich in this game but bad at pvp:(

    • @imbot3804
      @imbot3804 29 дней назад

      Wait for solo mode and play as sniper in valley.

    • @KleptoBis
      @KleptoBis  29 дней назад

      It depends on HOW you want to earn money. I'm not a pro player so,
      1. I spent a lot of time grinding Covert games to learn where to loot
      2. Keep track of what items you need to loot for trade ins to the Contacts
      3. Use the Contacts to trade in items like Scissors & Playing Cards
      4. Exchange items to Contacts for meds/attachments/weapons/armors
      5. Do the easier weekly Contact missions like killing "enemies" using shotgun/smg/etc. -> which can be scavs, it doesn't have to be players
      You can do a lot of this by spawning in pretty naked or with the cheapest loadout you can build and staying away from other player spawns or hiding somewhere you think no one will go. Look up ABI spawns for Farm.

  • @BestOfUtah.
    @BestOfUtah. 11 дней назад

    obitoo was a cheater fyi

  • @Duikers
    @Duikers 28 дней назад +1

    use tier 4 ammo no higher for full spray weapons
    Use tier 3 body armour and tier 5 - 6 headgear yes also in forbidden
    Buy everything either worn or like new (if you get more wordt on worn use worn same goes for face mask)

  • @zacharydevore4478
    @zacharydevore4478 28 дней назад

    as a legend is so cringe watching people who arent play

  • @Merlin-AB
    @Merlin-AB 28 дней назад +1

    Armored rigs have lower durability or bullet impact absorption t4 gets shredded by t3 if your gun us fast enough, t5 and t6 too so yeah not that worth it