This thread doesn't take long to come up if you google him so all the material here will be around a long time after this project is done. It will impact him on one way or another which harlens back to my first statement, if you care for Michael, ask mods to delete this thread or at the very least, not to record and screencap his stream. That's not what his project is meant for.

I'm sure Michael was very aware of this before he decided to go ahead with the bathroom cam. Hence why it took him a little while to decide what to do. LPSG always gets brought up on the stream chat so I don't doubt that he already knows about this thread. If he wanted to get this thread deleted then it would've been deleted already.

I totally get that you have a sense of care for him and his future though. Maybe you could try making him aware of the potential consequences the content posted in here could have... Then allow him to decide for himself what he wants to do about this thread. Because its really not upto us to decide.
I think it's ridiculous how a bunch of strangers on LPSG feel like they're entitled to tell him how he should live his life. He's an adult man, he's talked to his family already about the situation, and this is what he wants to do, there's nothing illegal about it. You people need to grow up and take care of your own lives.
I'm sure Michael was very aware of this before he decided to go ahead with the bathroom cam. Hence why it took him a little while to decide what to do. LPSG always gets brought up on the stream chat so I don't doubt that he already knows about this thread. If he wanted to get this thread deleted then it would've been deleted already.

I totally get that you have a sense of care for him and his future though. Maybe you could try making him aware of the potential consequences the content posted in here could have... Then allow him to decide for himself what he wants to do about this thread. Because its really not upto us to decide.
Yeah how knows about this, he even posted screenshots on instagram of people sharing his sleep boners way before the shower cam and said something funny about it, so he's totally cool with it
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I think it's ridiculous how a bunch of strangers on LPSG feel like they're entitled to tell him how he should live his life. He's an adult man, he's talked to his family already about the situation, and this is what he wants to do, there's nothing illegal about it. You people need to grow up and take care of your own lives.
Valeu br representou. Que gente noiada, credo kkkk
He wanted the bathroom cam from the beginning. He basically wanted all access granted for everyone. That was the whole point of the project. But he couldn't do that because of limitations, rules and ToS of youtube, twitch, even plexstorm. It's only now that someone pointed out RS to him that he can do it. It's not for attention or to please anyone. Not for money either. He's just doing what he wants to do.
Is it really that hard to observe and move on without all of the hand-wringing?
I wonder if sex is something he is actually considering for the last few months of his would that work out logistic wise? I mean I can't imagine him having sex in the bathroom, cuz we all know YT won't allow him to do that on his bedroom stream.
I wonder if sex is something he is actually considering for the last few months of his would that work out logistic wise? I mean I can't imagine him having sex in the bathroom, cuz we all know YT won't allow him to do that on his bedroom stream.
Well if he finds someone to agree to show it I’m sure he will just take the cam out the bathroom? Or if not maybe just keep the sound on?
He usually turns off the YT stream for sex anyway. I figure he would just stream it elsewhere during that period of time.
Well if he finds someone to agree to show it I’m sure he will just take the cam out the bathroom? Or if not maybe just keep the sound on?

Well he's left the sound on in the past during intercourse already, he would just turn the camera he already does that. I think he really wants it all hangin' out for the lack of better words. His goal the last 1/4 of his project is fully exposed.