Remember Dave Foley? He played the station manager on NewsRadio. When his wife divorced him he was making over 3million a year and the judge awarded her $50,000/month in alimony. After the series ended his income dropped to under 200,000 a year. When he went to court to get his alimony reduced the judge refused and threatened him with jail if he didn't keep up payments!
Not so much the judge, but that is the law as it is written, and it is rotten, and the judge by jurisprudence (case law) cannot really do much about that. The appeals courts would rip him new one if he openly disregarded the precedent case law.
I met his bastard son in private school (only for a few months because I was swiftly expelled). His son was this bitchy, nerdy, son of a bitch. I felt bad for him in a way but I also hated him
I met him briefly in LA. GREAT energy. He is a good man, works, hard, loves and respects all life. I told him it was my Mom's birthday, would he call her? She's a big fan of the show. He said yes, and her life was made, she loved it!
Must be nice to be a woman. It seems so easy, just get in shape, marry a workaholic, then divorce the workaholic because he's a workaholic. Live in luxury.
hmm...sounds like the pot calling the kettle black. Actually it's really not easy being a girl. We are the only ones who are harshly judged by society, while men get away with everything from cheating to child abuse. when a women cheats she's a tramp she's a whore, and every other horrible name in the book. But what is a man who cheats? a hero in society. completely unfair, a double standard. women are expected to be perfect in appearance and sacrifice EVERYTHING for men while men give nothing up in return, and men are conditioned to mentally abuse women through objectification. women are also conditioned to see themselves as only a sex toy for men, which means it's hard for us to live a normal human life. plus men are treated like kings while women are treated like garbage. we can't even have a normal sexual experience, which is part of being alive and being human, without being called a slut or a whore. men have no idea nor are they even interested in a real genuine relationship with a women, which is what every girl on earth really needs but is wasting her time trying to achieve with a mindless monster, also known as a man. So don't try to say life is easy for US. Men don't have to deal with stupid emotions, child birth, or periods, and they live their entire lives on the societal pedestal. one more thing, these days i see a lot more men doing the exact opposite of what your saying women do; marry for sex or money or both. I have never seen a man marry a women for "love". men are not capable of love.
Sky Leopard If you think a man who cheats is a hero in society, you are nuts. A man who cheats gets hit with a divorce, loses his kids, loses access to his kids and pays for his infidelity dearly with monthly checks. Or I should say, all that will happen if the woman wants it to. When a man cheats on his wife (and she finds out), he has just given all his power and legal rights to her. She has his balls in a vice, and society's approval to squeeze. Women who have sex are not called sluts outside of maybe middle and high school, which is not the same as real life. Besides, a lot of the slut-calling is from women, to women. Most guys LOVE sluts, including me. I think all women should be sluttier, if only to piss Pat Robertson off. Lots of men have interest in a real relationship with a woman, but these guys are usually inexperienced with how to attract a partner, and are written off as fake nice guys or sub-standard males. If the men you're finding to date are only interested in sex, maybe shop elsewhere? Child birth and periods? Yeah, and men have to deal with the horrible oppression of getting inconvenient boners, prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction and itchy balls. Don't bitch out men for biology because you feel you got the shitty end of the biological stick. It's not our fault. Don't want kids? Get the tubes tied or use birth control, which there is plenty of for women. I do support tearing down the pedestal for women, so we agree about that. Plenty of men sacrifice everything for their women, so that runs both ways. Lots of women are selfish users (HPD or NPD types), just like some men are. In short, everyone has problems, not all problems are oppression, and every group has assholes in it.
***** It's always ironic to me when women complain that men do nothing. Any man who's ever had a relationship will probably immediately agree that a woman's favorite game in a relationship is "Man do this, man do that." It's ludicrous to say that men do nothing for women when centuries of human history indicates that this isn't true. Sky Leopard Maybe the reason daddy wasn't around growing up was because mommy didn't have the decency to wait until she was in decent committed relationship before getting knocked up. Or perhaps daddy would have been around if mommy hadn't driven him out the door. Did either of those possibilities ever cross your mind?
I disagree that it doesn't matter how accomplished or successful you are. The better you do in society, the bigger a target you become. For instance, a lawyer told me that he loved to handle divorce cases against doctors, because MD means "More Dollars."
Several years ago I was behind some newer Nurses on Camelback Mt in Phoenix. They were discussing the young doctors they want to sink their talons into, and were not shy about publicly broadcasting this.
@@Winterascent "By sink their talons into", you literally mean they were discussing who they could fleece for money or they were talking about just in general, how much money the doctor's made?
@@kylel7158 That is the same thing, the only reason they want to find out who is making the most money is because they want that money, and they know the US of cucks will give it to them if the woman keeps up a front.
this reminds me of Dwayne Wade, who has to pay his ex-wife around $25,000 a month. These guys usually end up broke shortly after they retire. And that's when they're most vulnerable when their wives or girlfriends decide to deliver the final blow to their bank accounts and psyche.
I disagree about Cesar not having a great grasp of human psychology. From his show, the hardest part is communicating to the owner, how and what they're doing wrong and not the dog itself. Cesar always finds ways to find a personal connection that resonates with each person so that they can find a way to be able to succeed in whichever task that is needed to control their dog. To be able perform this that well, at least i believe he has a great understanding of humans and their psychology.
He may know some human psychology when it comes to talking to them about their dogs. But he definitely knew nothing about female nature when it comes to relationships.
I find it funny how his wife divorced him "maybe because he was never home because he was working," but she divorces him and has no problem with taking the money that he was away from home making. Seems to be a bit of a hypocrite. Yes maybe he should have found that line between spending time at home and work, but she needed to find that line as well.
What happens when she remarries? You STILL have to keep sending her checks... FOR LIFE?! Even when another man is responsible for her?! Divorce is nothing more than a money grab from the male to the government.
They never give up ground. Honestly I think that we should make only business and property owners have the right to vote. But that's just soooooooo extreme even though that's how it was in the early 1900s.
I speculated the same things about his marriage--that his wife was lonely at home and disgruntled about her situation, despite in reality, she's in the top 1% of he world, and that she used her children as pawns to push her agenda. All of that tragedy and he loses his MOST faithful companion to boot....Rest in peace ole Daddy.
God bless this man who has saved so many dogs. I moved from the liberal state of California, where, by the way, the retired San Francisco police chief, Heather Fong receives $277,656 in pensions for the rest of her life! This is why California is going broke. I thank God every day that I got out of that horrible state!. Milan's ex-wife should be ashamed of herself. She didn't build his business or have any part of it, did she?! She shouldn't be getting that money for the rest of HER life.
+Joan Lind absolutely right. she is shameless and inconsiderate anyway that s life and will see how her life is now i guess she could only be getting the money and remain unhappy
Illusion is and abusive person. no matter how Cesar's personality was, good or bad, I dont know. but he worked for his money , he trusted her with the finance and she took advantage of that. such a bad person she is :(
Someone said he lost the name, ‘dog whisperer’. That she took it in the divorce? Don’t know if that right, but if it is, what kind of a sick judge and greedy narcissist wife would do that?
Wow ... This is heartbreaking. I wish Cesar all the best that life has to offer. It is clear to be seen, while watching his programs, that he is a wonderful child of God ... Blessed heart, and soul. I'll always remember him in prayer now. Thank you, Cesar, for all you have done for dogs, and their people. You are deeply loved and respected for all that you are, and all that you do. May God hold YOU to His chest .. forever.
Cesar's wife was an idiot for leaving him. He's a devoted family man, smart, funny, humble, and (IMHO) gorgeous. He's one of the sweetest and most compassionate people out there.
+Grace Acosta Hardly an idiot. She got lifetime alimony in huge sums of money and does not need to bother with him anymore. It's not nice but hardly stupid.
+Thinking-Ape Yeah, but she lost a wonderful human being in the bargain. Some things are more important than money, at least to me. Money can't buy happiness, it just gives your misery extra padding,
I think it's really messed up, she filed for divorce not him. That's pure greed and very cruel to do to another human being and this is where I get a little upset that with woman who are supposed to be strong, yet use their gender to get what they want, how many woman have you heard of pay a man spousal support? I'm happy for Ceaser and where he is today with his businesses, youngest son and one hot lady on his arm and being back on track financially, However it's sad he may never be able to retire due to being punished for the rest of his life by a weak, greedy, insecure Cunt who make good, strong woman like me look bad. her biggest problems was the dogs and not having the same passion as he, Fine, that's no reason to cash in, kick someone when their all ready down hurting over the lose of Daddy and ontop filling their kids heads full of trash, she needs mental help on a monthly basis not a huge check off someone who worked his butt off from nothing,
Ignorance is doing the same thing while expecting a new outcome. After watching men get raped in divorce court it's crazy to think your marriage will end better.
Here’s the main method in regards to bringing balance in the lives of these (And all other) breeds of dogs: Dalmatian: Calm assertive energy PitBull: Calm assertive energy Illusion: $$$$$$$ Doberman: Calm Assertive energy chihuahua: Calm assertive energy All others: Calm assertive energy
If I remember correctly, he took his ex off the street got the drugs cleared and that was about it. His son's did appear on his shows from time to time helping with the dogs. His ex is a gold digger and he has never bad mouthed her in public. I watched a show that talked about how he got started and Wil Smith's wife Jada helped his career.
I disagree with you on Cesar not knowing himself. He is quite amazing in many ways. In Mexico as a teen he was always ambitious, always had a job or two and at 21, as he describes it, he announced on Christmas Eve that he was going to the US and ''snuck across the border'' . As luck would have it, he met up with someone who helped him. Cesar is what we would describe as highly intuitive about life in general - as some of us are. We are excellent at reading people, their motives and we make our way through life often hooked to a star on whom luck has shone it's fortune. We aren't, however, great with grief and loss and we love deeply and emotionally. My bet is that money isn't all that important to Cesar, it's a convenience and lovely to have but you would not hear him speaking about money in as endearing terms as you, sir, do.
Had no clue about Cesar's life until reading your comment. Very insightful for this. Thank you. I do believe you are right. He is quite amazing and he makes people better dog owners, which makes me like him even more.
Man, I wish I was born as a really beautiful woman. Find some rich sucker, marry, divorce, be set for life. But noooooooo, I gotta work to pay my bills. Fuck...
+Lady Catfish Good. Keeps you honest and humble, right! Me, too, on the gotta work-thing, but I love that about me. I LOVE "I gotta work", because there is no more USELESS human being on the planet than someone who does rip a wo/man off for the money s/he earned then not give back to him . What goes around comes around... she will get hers. SO sad. Maybe, though, he treated her like a dog? Do we know the WHOLE story? I already GET that there are literally MILLIONS of us women who would love nothing more than to have a loyal, honest husband who will actually go to work, and NOT cheat on us and bring us STDs for our birthday present. But we don't know BOTH sides - well, really, neither side to the story. IF he cheated on her, -then, great, I hope she leaves him with nothing more than toilet paper. IF he was a kind, honest, honorable, decent man, -even if he treated her like a dog, since that is where he feels happiest, so long as he didn't hit or kick her, and he petted her occasionally, then she lost a good one to another woman, for a buck. Money is water.
+Aubergine1941 Speculation aside even if we assume the worst. He was a shit husband, cheated, didn't care about his kids etc etc. Does any of that justify her getting 23000 dollars a month? That's aside from the alimony payments and small matter of 400 big ones he already gave her. It's an obscene amount that even in the worst case scenario isn't justified. Less speculation would of been better. But the facts remain the divorce laws are sexist and this is but 1 example of men being fucked by this system.
Cesal Millan is a unique individual whose heart belongs to his dogs and every other dog, and to his sons. The sons will not understand the reason for the divorce, as mine did not, until they marry and have children of their own. It's sad but that's the way it is. I have had Scottish Terriers going back 29 years; but having watched Cesar religiously. I have learned something from every Cesar-dog encounter. When he travels we come to know (I think anyway) how far ahead the US is in human/dog relations. Yes, we have some extremely cruel humans, but we don't breed dogs to feed to other dogs and other such heartbreaking acts. I seem to cry whenever any animal is rescued and the same whenever cruelty happens. Also, just because his first wife was lazy/thoughtless/mindless let's not blame him. Why didn't she find her own passion and go to it? I have a feeling that Cesar won't make that mistake again. I'm sure there is an obsessive dog lover just for him. How would we ever learn what he continues to teach us? Cesar is really God's prayer for dog lovers in this world! My dogs have told me that they will be waiting for me when I finally get there!
No fault divorce destroyed marriage. Anything that it used to represent is gone. Anyone still getting married on these old beliefs is running on outdated information. Most women however are very clued up on exploiting this, whilst also leveraging societies sympathies for women as if they can't earn money themselves (which has not updated because it's still run by boomers).
+rustytool100 Many aspects are not difficult to understand. However, it seems to conflict with the way men *want* women to be, as well as how women *want* to see themselves, and these are natural barriers to understanding.
I feel sorry for Cesar. His wife is a real piece of work. "The devil finds work for idle hands" !!! Wife turned the kids against their dad and she wants $23k per month for the rest of her life ? Incredible. She is just bitter, jealous and greedy. Yet the commentator goes on to talk rubbish. You cannot justify or prepare for deception or another person's greed. Cesar's only crime was to try and make a better life for his family. You don't blame or mock somebody when they have been stabbed in the back.
6 years later I would like to suggest that you get a dog. They are amazing and I love mine. Like a woman they are needy and a pain in the ass but to a much lesser degree. My dog is always loving and fun to be around. Food for thought!
When will these men ever learn if you are gonna be a workaholic do it for yourself only,not for wives or children who may or may not appreciate it. My labor is for my own benefits and no other person is gonna take that away from me.I have the utmost respect for my time and labor.I will be nobodys pet wallet or hero.The path to self actualization is the only way for me to live my life and that means no distractions that could knock me off that path.
+Thinking-Ape I find it somewhat humorous seeing some of the comments on this particular video. If people took the time to peruse some of your content, past & present, on the particulars of marriage, divorce & general human behavior they would see why you made the opening statement about "basic principles". In short, for anyone who came here not understanding the reason for his fortification of the general principles he is commenting on ; they are most likely as follows; Do not get married if you are a male (especially in western democratized nations) & do not cohabitate with a female in areas within those nations in which common-law marriage is the law, in said area. Stardusk says this for good reason despite the people who come here to criticize him for "speculation". Even if this purported speculation accusation is true, it does not change the fact that the divorce rate hovers around 50% in most western democracies. Most of these divorces are also initiated by the female(s). The only benefit a male has from a marriage would be love & or progeny. These benefits come at a substantial price for males, in general. In my opinion, not monetarily or emotionally worth the expense a male must pay. That being said, for the people here bitching about "generalizations" being made by Stardusk in this video....I say, get over it. Generalizations are not a bad thing when there is a wealth of data that supports the general argument he is, and has been, making for quite some time. Most birds are capable of flight. There, I made a generalization based on a basic truth. Watch as no one bats an eye at my generalization. I thought it was a good video. Perhaps that is because i am familiar with the context Stardusk has been laying out for quite some time, now. To everyone else, have a great day ;)
White Wolf When youve been married as long as Cesar had, then you and the commentator can talk. Unless you have been married a long time to one person, then none of us can talk. No one Im aware of is an expert on relationships. So I think you and the commentator should cut the crap
When you say he knows next to nothing about human beings you are going too far. You know very little about him. Also understand that most peoples behaviours are not based on understanding but on feelings or rather physical happenings in their brain based on stimuli and inner biology. Just because he behaves a certain way, like meeting a new woman, it doesn't saymuch about what he's understood, even if he goes to cleaners again. It's not like drug addicts don't understand drugs are bad. They just want them and use them. So to sum it up understanding doesn't instantly break habits nor does it make you unaffected by surroundings and your speculations on C Milan are wild.
Furthermore, cesar was undocumented. His marriage could have been about green card. If you not in the streets, you won't understand it, but niggas starving and bout to be departed, the game is deep
this is WINNING THE LOTTERY!!! I wouldn't be surprised he'd be more comfortable with the dogs than at home... can't blame him... GO CESAR! YOU KNOW WHERE YOU CAN PUT YOUR TRUST... but you're right, He probably don't know much about his new adopted Country, evidently nobody told him you need a lawyer to take a crap...
He has a good relationship with his sons now. And he learns more abt women he said himself. Also his old wife was bitter and greedy. I hope his new wife is a down to earth loyal woman.
from what i understand and from what cesar said in an interview, he was broke because of the dog whisperer show. that show was taking all the revenue it was bringing in and pocketing it. the divorce had nothing to do with why he was broke. it was because he didn't own any of his own show. now he has gotten smarter about that, he owns his new show "Cesar Millan's Leader of the Pack" on NATGEOWILD.
His ex wife's was also his partner with all the businesses and her name was on everything although she didn't have the same passion for dogs as he does,but he trusted her and never worried about her taking it all or even this happening, he's now taken her name off everything even the dog center. watch his more in dept interviews where he opens up more about that part there are several up now and each one he tells a little more at a time. but yes you are right as well, the show was screwing him as well and he had to fight them in court. What I think is wrong and seeing some of it on here is people automatically assuming he cheated or he's gay without one shred of evidence to support those claims.
+Godless Heathen Exactly, on top of this the wife called him while he was in London filming and told him she wanted a divorce. Didn't even have the decency to tell him in person. All of that on top of Daddy dieing put Cesar in a really low place. He ended up attempting suicide. Ironically enough it was his sons who found him.
Godless Heathen why does there always have to be drama for it to be better for two people to get divorced?? sometimes you just drift apart, or you discover you rushed into a marriage with a person you really didn't know very well, or one person just isn't cut out for relationships. there are people in this world who really can't offer anyone a real connected caring relationship because of their own short comings. it has nothing to do with the other person. Cesar married Ilusion when he was about 22, or 24 years old or so, so maybe he did it out of passion, or to have kids, or to do his papers for his green card, who knows, they may have really thought they were in love. all i know is there were two people in that relationship, so each had 100% responsibility to dedicate time and effort to it. so, each played an equal role in whatever went wrong. and just because her name was on the show, doesn't mean she knowingly screwed him over. maybe he decided she was the more knowledgeable one when it comes to finance, s he may have told her to handle it for him, after all they WERE married. so, don't be so quick to believe rumors, or give total fault to the women. Cesar might have also been neglectful. he's very invested in his work, in fact i hardly ever saw him with his wife or children, and when i did see her on the show, she seemed unhappy. but, in reality, this no one else's business but theirs. so, i can't say i care either way. i just love cesar and what he does, and thats it.
The lifetime support is a crime against humanity. What a disgrace! I'm not saying he's perfect, but I know bitter, bored, and shallow mothers are very apt, and often guilty of giving their children distorted views of their fathers, all in readiness for when they leave their husbands, ensuring said children blame their father, instead of the real reasons, that 'being it takes two to tango'. I've seen, it heard it, and watched my own mother trying to turn my son, not only against his father, but also me, his mother. I absolutely hate women like that. Narcissistic, manipulative, calculating, emotional vampires. They destroy families, they destroy lives. Instead of trying to find something to accomplish on their own, and add to the marriage, they blame their partners for their own shallow incompetence, lack of imagination, thus boredom. But, there are millions of women who would have been grateful to have a husband like Cesar. And with him, as the father of their children. I know I would.
It's still old fashioned red pill, blaming the man for not understanding and controller her from destroying their marriage. The reality is there is nothing a man who do to stop a conniving woman who wants that money, society bends over backwards for it and hands her the knife to stab him in the back.
And what's with that hate on Mexicans? Jesus, that's freaking old...I'm outa here. What business it is of anyone's, whyever Cesar got divorced? He does huge amounts of good stuff for dogs and dog owners, and the world at large. That's all I need to know about him. Know what else I think? People who don't have lives of their own, kinda sniff around and get into somebody else's.
+Tom Garcia It's because this video did not give the conclusion she wanted. Instead, it talked about hard truths that is actually more of a norm than she wants people to know.
I feel sorry for Cesar also. He shouldn't have to pay her that much money a month. She needs to get a job! He works hard for what he has. Women today think they should get a free ride in life just for having a kid by a man. Ridiculous!
Cesar Milan is an extremely popular guy and MGTOW stuff isn't. I was watching videos about dogs for a while and ended up here. Probably a lot of female Dog Whisperer fans saw the title (keyword: divorce) and wanted to see what is was about. I clicked it expecting trash talk which caught my attention since I haven't heard too many bad things about Cesar. So yeah, the dislikes are undoubtedly casual females who stumbled upon this and don't like the anti-female message - Oh and people who don't give a shit and just wanted Dog Whisperer content and got this instead.
Frankly, I don't quite understand why Cesar married that woman in the first place. I saw her on several "Dog Whisperer" episodes and somehow she always seemed slightly tough and bitchy to me. I think he should have picked his wife with much more care (or not get married at all lol).
Caesar Milan is a much better human being than that putrid filth of a woman, stop coming up with ungrounded justifications for her vile, although subconcious, act.
It is nuts, ya okay ask for alimony but he will have to continue to work for the rest of his life....that's not fair at all and I can't believe that a judge agreed to give her that in the first place... I'm so glad I don't live in the U.S
Who bout the other people that get divorce too. Some have money some don't... God bless all the positive things Cesar does that humans don't do...
Stumbled upon your channel. Very interesting and has given me some insight in the corrupted ways the courts work with divorce. Bottom line is, no one is perfect. We all make big mistakes. We cannot read or assume people's minds. Communication does help, but there's just a need to be more aware. Cesar fell harder than ever before when all those things happened at once. So feel terrible that it did.. Maybe we can learn a thing or two about his wife, but to say all females will act this way. Sighs. Yeah, Divorce sucks. No marriage sucks. I've always believed marriage was just a way to get financially locked in with your partner. But many women see it as the most darn romantic gift/life changing experience on the planet. I don't know where I'm going with this comment any more. Just thanks for opening my eyes to how more corrupt the court system is. Never getting married. -_-
I know right... this guy makes all these wild assumptions about a person he does not know. he know absolutely nothing about him, and is just assuming all these absurd negative things. you can tell he obviously does not like him. that's very apparent. for not liking someone so much, he sure is obsessed with his personal life. typical sheep. nothing better to do other than obsess about celebrities and pry into their personal lives, because their own lies are lacking, and they've bee programmed so well to be distracted by garbage.
my son stayed at their house a few times... friends with one of their sons... ( hes 18 now) and we live in vegas now....however my son has nothing but wonderful memories ... cant imagine what went wrong... kids were extremely happy 4-5 years ago.
I used to get mad at the world over this but now it makes me happy. It's become a beautifully horrible sight like a train wreck or a shooting to see men be destroyed by marriage. I love it because either 1: it will set them free and they will LEARN Or 2: this is the same guy who would have called me an incel and would make the same choice over and over. I love it, guys please keep doing what you're doing, don't be smart, do it for "love", don't worry bro she's "different", it'll never happen to you 😉
Excellent advice. One thing should help. An all inclusive contract. It is sad that is updated, as lives change. I lived in CA. for several years and I honestly couldn't believe the scenario that you described. Basically, it's ridiculous!
Yes I assumed the same thing Lonely /Bored housewife ,telling her sons Dad doesn't care about us. The thing I wonder about is why he had to pay that much alimony , did they not get joint custody & if not why didn't he try to get it ? I watched the documentary on his life story & he wanted to keep the reason she wanted to divorce him "Hush" . So I think if it was just a lonely woman syndrome , he would have said that & man up to it knowing it was his fault . She could have had it planed all along , waiting for him to become rich enough to take him for everything. There has to be more to it for him to want to commit suicide . Maybe he was a cheater being on the road for so long . He was a very friendly man & did a lot of hugging on his show , could be easy enough to "stay" ? His story reminds me of Elvis Presley, he didn't see it coming either & it almost did him in too. As with both they didn't hit the Big time until after they got married , so that changed the relationship . They married to have a husband & father by there side , but it didn't stay that way after they became Famous . Always two sides to every story. Hopefully with this new woman he has , he'll be smart enough to get a prenup if he marries her.
I've noticed after the divorce Cesar lost his glow. He now appears to just be going through the motions but not really feeling what he felt before the divorce. It is important that no man allows himself to fall in love with a woman because in doing so that man will leave himself open and vulnerable and no man should let himself sink to such a level of vulnerability.
If you relinquish your power to your wife-girlfriend, and you lose your frame as the dominant role, she loses respect for you and she treats you like crap, cheats and leaves in that order. Does it sound familiar to you Cesar? Yes, the same that happens to the dog owners you help. Dog has lost respect for the owner and treats the owners like crap.
I enjoy these talks and find them thought provoking. But with this one I think it would have been more tastefully done without mentioning this genttlemen by name.
The worst part is that he is surrounded by men who should be reminding him of the perils of divorce and cohabitation and relationships -- and none of them really explained it to him. Surely his attorneys should have warned him long before his divorce and tried to position him for it. He must have been exposed to the horrors of divorce and child custody hearings from his friends and acquaintances.
you rightly say that we don't know much about Cesar millan divorce and there is quite a bit assuming going on.Divource happens rather a lot and quite honestly is non of our business. I don't understand why there is such an interest in celebrity private life.
Cesar's ex wife will remarry one day. She will regret divorcing Cesar. Cesar's is the most hard working man I have ever seen. Brain washing the kids against their father is the most stupidest thing an ex wife can do. Ex wife will never ever find anyone like Cesar. Wishing all the best to Cesar and his children. Hope God provides you love and success. As for the ex wife.... no comment.
It is very disgusting that you have made this video and said Cesar does not know anything about human beings or is not close to his children, you barely know anything about him or his personal life.
10K a month for the child until it is an adult but 23K for the mother (for life for the mother). That tells you the child is not a priority!
No marriage no cohabitation
Free agent lifestyle
The most ironic detail. His ex-wife's name is Illusion.
They're ALL illusions.
It would've been even funnier if her name was Divorceah.
Alice Moaney
That's not ironic at all, that just means he understands dogs better than humans.
They named her after my favourite video game developer?
Remember Dave Foley? He played the station manager on NewsRadio. When his wife divorced him he was making over 3million a year and the judge awarded her $50,000/month in alimony. After the series ended his income dropped to under 200,000 a year. When he went to court to get his alimony reduced the judge refused and threatened him with jail if he didn't keep up payments!
+Mrzyphl Moon I saw that on Joe Rogans podcast, the amounts the court orders to pay is absurd
ramsey county , Mn, child killers/ judge Williams
Not so much the judge, but that is the law as it is written, and it is rotten, and the judge by jurisprudence (case law) cannot really do much about that. The appeals courts would rip him new one if he openly disregarded the precedent case law.
She is a stunning and brave wahman!!
I met his bastard son in private school (only for a few months because I was swiftly expelled). His son was this bitchy, nerdy, son of a bitch. I felt bad for him in a way but I also hated him
Seems like a lot of blue pillers stumbled upon this video and downvoted it hard.
They're all Cesar's Wife's boyfriends.
Lord Draconia lmao!
Most viewers don't vote one way or another.
Its odd almost 50 50 up down.
@@FixedFace ok simp
I met him briefly in LA. GREAT energy. He is a good man, works, hard, loves and respects all life. I told him it was my Mom's birthday, would he call her? She's a big fan of the show. He said yes, and her life was made, she loved it!
Works comma hard? What the f
Lmao, my mom says she likes this guy too🤔
@@TheRealJaded probably was a mistake no need to overreact.
@@TheRealJaded he means that Cesar is hard and has a job, something that few mexicans have.
Must be nice to be a woman. It seems so easy, just get in shape, marry a workaholic, then divorce the workaholic because he's a workaholic. Live in luxury.
hmm...sounds like the pot calling the kettle black. Actually it's really not easy being a girl. We are the only ones who are harshly judged by society, while men get away with everything from cheating to child abuse. when a women cheats she's a tramp she's a whore, and every other horrible name in the book. But what is a man who cheats? a hero in society. completely unfair, a double standard. women are expected to be perfect in appearance and sacrifice EVERYTHING for men while men give nothing up in return, and men are conditioned to mentally abuse women through objectification. women are also conditioned to see themselves as only a sex toy for men, which means it's hard for us to live a normal human life. plus men are treated like kings while women are treated like garbage. we can't even have a normal sexual experience, which is part of being alive and being human, without being called a slut or a whore. men have no idea nor are they even interested in a real genuine relationship with a women, which is what every girl on earth really needs but is wasting her time trying to achieve with a mindless monster, also known as a man. So don't try to say life is easy for US. Men don't have to deal with stupid emotions, child birth, or periods, and they live their entire lives on the societal pedestal. one more thing, these days i see a lot more men doing the exact opposite of what your saying women do; marry for sex or money or both. I have never seen a man marry a women for "love". men are not capable of love.
Sky Leopard
If you think a man who cheats is a hero in society, you are nuts. A man who cheats gets hit with a divorce, loses his kids, loses access to his kids and pays for his infidelity dearly with monthly checks. Or I should say, all that will happen if the woman wants it to.
When a man cheats on his wife (and she finds out), he has just given all his power and legal rights to her. She has his balls in a vice, and society's approval to squeeze.
Women who have sex are not called sluts outside of maybe middle and high school, which is not the same as real life. Besides, a lot of the slut-calling is from women, to women. Most guys LOVE sluts, including me. I think all women should be sluttier, if only to piss Pat Robertson off. Lots of men have interest in a real relationship with a woman, but these guys are usually inexperienced with how to attract a partner, and are written off as fake nice guys or sub-standard males. If the men you're finding to date are only interested in sex, maybe shop elsewhere?
Child birth and periods? Yeah, and men have to deal with the horrible oppression of getting inconvenient boners, prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction and itchy balls. Don't bitch out men for biology because you feel you got the shitty end of the biological stick. It's not our fault. Don't want kids? Get the tubes tied or use birth control, which there is plenty of for women. I do support tearing down the pedestal for women, so we agree about that. Plenty of men sacrifice everything for their women, so that runs both ways. Lots of women are selfish users (HPD or NPD types), just like some men are.
In short, everyone has problems, not all problems are oppression, and every group has assholes in it.
It's always ironic to me when women complain that men do nothing. Any man who's ever had a relationship will probably immediately agree that a woman's favorite game in a relationship is "Man do this, man do that." It's ludicrous to say that men do nothing for women when centuries of human history indicates that this isn't true.
Sky Leopard Maybe the reason daddy wasn't around growing up was because mommy didn't have the decency to wait until she was in decent committed relationship before getting knocked up. Or perhaps daddy would have been around if mommy hadn't driven him out the door. Did either of those possibilities ever cross your mind?
Sky Leopard so this deep seated hatred of men comes from?????? uh-oh. someone's got daddy issues.. i am sure you play for the other team lol
wow. its easy to understand why you don't have a man. you are terrifing!!!!!
He's training all kinds of dogs. ..and he got his worst dog bite by a BITCH!
I disagree that it doesn't matter how accomplished or successful you are. The better you do in society, the bigger a target you become. For instance, a lawyer told me that he loved to handle divorce cases against doctors, because MD means "More Dollars."
@Aso Fotida The problem here is that not many women will marry a man who is brole or homeless. Men's resources are women's Viagra.
Several years ago I was behind some newer Nurses on Camelback Mt in Phoenix. They were discussing the young doctors they want to sink their talons into, and were not shy about publicly broadcasting this.
@@Winterascent "By sink their talons into", you literally mean they were discussing who they could fleece for money or they were talking about just in general, how much money the doctor's made?
@@kylel7158 yup, fleece for money, or entrap with sex and get their way with
@@kylel7158 That is the same thing, the only reason they want to find out who is making the most money is because they want that money, and they know the US of cucks will give it to them if the woman keeps up a front.
...Advice to you young man...don't marry...if you will have a very heavy financial burden to carry for the rest of your life.
Or just draft a prenuptial agreement that says you won't be suffering this financial burden for the rest of your life ;)
@@benniebees those prenups are often thrown out in court.
"oh, judge, I was in unstable emotional state signing it"
@@adrianalexandrov7730 no, they are not often "thrown out" in court. You *always* prenub.
@142 lol, stop being so delusional
A dog is a mens best friend
this reminds me of Dwayne Wade, who has to pay his ex-wife around $25,000 a month. These guys usually end up broke shortly after they retire. And that's when they're most vulnerable when their wives or girlfriends decide to deliver the final blow to their bank accounts and psyche.
getting pussy costs alot of fucking money!!
And he turned his son into a "woman" / monster
I disagree about Cesar not having a great grasp of human psychology. From his show, the hardest part is communicating to the owner, how and what they're doing wrong and not the dog itself. Cesar always finds ways to find a personal connection that resonates with each person so that they can find a way to be able to succeed in whichever task that is needed to control their dog. To be able perform this that well, at least i believe he has a great understanding of humans and their psychology.
He may know some human psychology when it comes to talking to them about their dogs. But he definitely knew nothing about female nature when it comes to relationships.
Anybody who understand human psychology and female psychology in particular, will never get married. So in short, You Are Wrong.
I find it funny how his wife divorced him "maybe because he was never home because he was working," but she divorces him and has no problem with taking the money that he was away from home making. Seems to be a bit of a hypocrite. Yes maybe he should have found that line between spending time at home and work, but she needed to find that line as well.
She divorced him because he's not that she can be separate from him. Makes no's all just a cash cow.
We need to get rid of alimony, after all "strong independent women" don't need their ex-husbands money ;)
Equality plus
What happens when she remarries? You STILL have to keep sending her checks... FOR LIFE?! Even when another man is responsible for her?!
Divorce is nothing more than a money grab from the male to the government.
Wrong move. Women are earning more now, if you remove it now it will be inequality.
@@sudeep407 Except women earning more than you aren't going to settle for you. This is an issue that will almost exclusively affect men.
They never give up ground. Honestly I think that we should make only business and property owners have the right to vote. But that's just soooooooo extreme even though that's how it was in the early 1900s.
23000 dollars a month for the rest of her life? I'd wish her to live a short life
Not gone happen.
In average women live longer than men, check the statistics.
I speculated the same things about his marriage--that his wife was lonely at home and disgruntled about her situation, despite in reality, she's in the top 1% of he world, and that she used her children as pawns to push her agenda. All of that tragedy and he loses his MOST faithful companion to boot....Rest in peace ole Daddy.
He lost his dog? Damn.
Damn. 23K every month. That's like 75% of my annual earnings.
God bless this man who has saved so many dogs. I moved from the liberal state of California, where, by the way, the retired San Francisco police chief, Heather Fong receives $277,656 in pensions for the rest of her life! This is why California is going broke. I thank God every day that I got out of that horrible state!. Milan's ex-wife should be ashamed of herself. She didn't build his business or have any part of it, did she?! She shouldn't be getting that money for the rest of HER life.
+Joan Lind absolutely right. she is shameless and inconsiderate anyway that s life and will see how her life is now i guess she could only be getting the money and remain unhappy
Imagine being given money simply for existing.
OMG! I had no idea he tried to kill himself... I hope he has started treatment for his depression.
Illusion is and abusive person. no matter how Cesar's personality was, good or bad, I dont know. but he worked for his money , he trusted her with the finance and she took advantage of that. such a bad person she is :(
Someone said he lost the name, ‘dog whisperer’. That she took it in the divorce? Don’t know if that right, but if it is, what kind of a sick judge and greedy narcissist wife would do that?
Wow ... This is heartbreaking. I wish Cesar all the best that life has to offer. It is clear to be seen, while watching his programs, that he is a wonderful child of God ... Blessed heart, and soul. I'll always remember him in prayer now.
Thank you, Cesar, for all you have done for dogs, and their people. You are deeply loved and respected for all that you are, and all that you do. May God hold YOU to His chest .. forever.
+blueskiesblue Thank you!
Sucker be a sucker. Cash and Prizes. Marriage has turned into a wealth extraction machine.
I heard the wife was a stripper, hustler before he met her..Cesar turned her from trash to class and he screwed him in the end.
stripper named ilusion? Now, that's ironic
That's the beauty of life, it forces you occasionally to rebuild yourself, to become better, wiser and happier person.
Cesar's wife was an idiot for leaving him. He's a devoted family man, smart, funny, humble, and (IMHO) gorgeous. He's one of the sweetest and most compassionate people out there.
+Grace Acosta Hardly an idiot. She got lifetime alimony in huge sums of money and does not need to bother with him anymore. It's not nice but hardly stupid.
+Thinking-Ape Yeah, but she lost a wonderful human being in the bargain. Some things are more important than money, at least to me. Money can't buy happiness, it just gives your misery extra padding,
+Thinking-Ape Do you know why this video has received so much attention?
M.C. Farage My suspicion is that it has the name of Cesar Milan in it.
+Grace Acosta Nothing wrong with a bit of padding LOL
Perhaps his view was coloured by his being surrounded by creatures that are totally loyal?
I think it's really messed up, she filed for divorce not him. That's pure greed and very cruel to do to another human being and this is where I get a little upset that with woman who are supposed to be strong, yet use their gender to get what they want, how many woman have you heard of pay a man spousal support? I'm happy for Ceaser and where he is today with his businesses, youngest son and one hot lady on his arm and being back on track financially, However it's sad he may never be able to retire due to being punished for the rest of his life by a weak, greedy, insecure Cunt who make good, strong woman like me look bad. her biggest problems was the dogs and not having the same passion as he, Fine, that's no reason to cash in, kick someone when their all ready down hurting over the lose of Daddy and ontop filling their kids heads full of trash, she needs mental help on a monthly basis not a huge check off someone who worked his butt off from nothing,
if you really are a chick, and u sound like one. hope you realize what a crock of shit feminism really is.
Ignorance is doing the same thing while expecting a new outcome. After watching men get raped in divorce court it's crazy to think your marriage will end better.
but they are smarter than the other men...
If other man fail, it's because they were not capable enough /s
i was lucky enough my uncle gave me a red pill early in my life and you know what i love it :D
She got 270ish k a year. For ever..... thats fucking insane
Here’s the main method in regards to bringing balance in the lives of these (And all other) breeds of dogs:
Dalmatian: Calm assertive energy
PitBull: Calm assertive energy
Illusion: $$$$$$$
Doberman: Calm Assertive energy
chihuahua: Calm assertive energy
All others: Calm assertive energy
Jokes on everyone, nothing can make a woman happy for long.
@@cattysplat 😎
If I remember correctly, he took his ex off the street got the drugs cleared and that was about it. His son's did appear on his shows from time to time helping with the dogs. His ex is a gold digger and he has never bad mouthed her in public. I watched a show that talked about how he got started and Wil Smith's wife Jada helped his career.
23k a Month for having an sucessful Ex.
Damn these Women are opressed
I disagree with you on Cesar not knowing himself. He is quite amazing in many ways. In Mexico as a teen he was always ambitious, always had a job or two and at 21, as he describes it, he announced on Christmas Eve that he was going to the US and ''snuck across the border'' . As luck would have it, he met up with someone who helped him. Cesar is what we would describe as highly intuitive about life in general - as some of us are. We are excellent at reading people, their motives and we make our way through life often hooked to a star on whom luck has shone it's fortune. We aren't, however, great with grief and loss and we love deeply and emotionally. My bet is that money isn't all that important to Cesar, it's a convenience and lovely to have but you would not hear him speaking about money in as endearing terms as you, sir, do.
I am responding because you can write coherent sentences. You must be over 35 and have a decent education.
Had no clue about Cesar's life until reading your comment. Very insightful for this. Thank you. I do believe you are right. He is quite amazing and he makes people better dog owners, which makes me like him even more.
My girl says. thisbis her Hubby
My girl says. thisbis her Hubby
Why so many dislikes on this video? And it it just me, or are there a lot of women commenting on this video?
He won't get to the darn POINT...
Man, I wish I was born as a really beautiful woman. Find some rich sucker, marry, divorce, be set for life.
But noooooooo, I gotta work to pay my bills. Fuck...
+Lady Catfish Good. Keeps you honest and humble, right! Me, too, on the gotta work-thing, but I love that about me. I LOVE "I gotta work", because there is no more USELESS human being on the planet than someone who does rip a wo/man off for the money s/he earned then not give back to him . What goes around comes around... she will get hers. SO sad. Maybe, though, he treated her like a dog? Do we know the WHOLE story? I already GET that there are literally MILLIONS of us women who would love nothing more than to have a loyal, honest husband who will actually go to work, and NOT cheat on us and bring us STDs for our birthday present. But we don't know BOTH sides - well, really, neither side to the story. IF he cheated on her, -then, great, I hope she leaves him with nothing more than toilet paper. IF he was a kind, honest, honorable, decent man, -even if he treated her like a dog, since that is where he feels happiest, so long as he didn't hit or kick her, and he petted her occasionally, then she lost a good one to another woman, for a buck. Money is water.
+Lady Catfish but illusion is not beautiful at all :) still marry, place the money on her name, divorce and she is set for life :)
***** What is your opinion of getting rich off stocks? Does that count as work?
gracebilavi2 ?? Did not understand..
Lady Catfish of course
What's with the dislikes?
Dima Shinder Feminists take-over
+Dima Shinder probably because he is mainly speculating. I admire Cesar for not telling the public what the in-and-outs of it all were. It's private!
+Aubergine1941 Thank you!
+Dima Shinder Because the narrator is too slowwwwww talking and a bit dull.
+Aubergine1941 Speculation aside even if we assume the worst. He was a shit husband, cheated, didn't care about his kids etc etc. Does any of that justify her getting 23000 dollars a month? That's aside from the alimony payments and small matter of 400 big ones he already gave her. It's an obscene amount that even in the worst case scenario isn't justified.
Less speculation would of been better. But the facts remain the divorce laws are sexist and this is but 1 example of men being fucked by this system.
I'll never question why a man permasleeps his ex wife it's actually very rational
548 ex-wives of cesar milan disliked this
Cesal Millan is a unique individual whose heart belongs to his dogs and every other dog, and to his sons. The sons will not understand the reason for the divorce, as mine did not, until they marry and have children of their own. It's sad but that's the way it is. I have had Scottish Terriers going back 29 years; but having watched Cesar religiously. I have learned something from every Cesar-dog encounter. When he travels we come to know (I think anyway) how far ahead the US is in human/dog relations. Yes, we have some extremely cruel humans, but we don't breed dogs to feed to other dogs and other such heartbreaking acts. I seem to cry whenever any animal is rescued and the same whenever cruelty happens. Also, just because his first wife was lazy/thoughtless/mindless let's not blame him. Why didn't she find her own passion and go to it? I have a feeling that Cesar won't make that mistake again. I'm sure there is an obsessive dog lover just for him. How would we ever learn what he continues to teach us? Cesar is really God's prayer for dog lovers in this world! My dogs have told me that they will be waiting for me when I finally get there!
No fault divorce destroyed marriage. Anything that it used to represent is gone. Anyone still getting married on these old beliefs is running on outdated information. Most women however are very clued up on exploiting this, whilst also leveraging societies sympathies for women as if they can't earn money themselves (which has not updated because it's still run by boomers).
38 females that live in California and are planning to continue getting more privileges than men disliked this.
39 now...
102 vs 102 now. Why? I don't get it...
"They don't understand female psychology?" Someone does?
Many aspects are not difficult to understand. However, it seems to conflict with the way men *want* women to be, as well as how women *want* to see themselves, and these are natural barriers to understanding.
rational male dot com
@@clickaccept Spot on
I feel sorry for Cesar. His wife is a real piece of work.
"The devil finds work for idle hands" !!!
Wife turned the kids against their dad and she wants $23k per month for the rest of her life ? Incredible.
She is just bitter, jealous and greedy.
Yet the commentator goes on to talk rubbish. You cannot justify or prepare for deception or another person's greed.
Cesar's only crime was to try and make a better life for his family.
You don't blame or mock somebody when they have been stabbed in the back.
+MGTOW V Not every woman desires to take a man for all he's worth.
+Hannah-Pia Metus they sure as hell do, and that I know for a fact
stns 440 you've been with every woman to know that?
Hannah-Pia Metus
Well said Hannah. We should never condemn all for the actions of the few.
+Hannah-Pia Metus The typical NAWALT response? Clever.
6 years later I would like to suggest that you get a dog. They are amazing and I love mine. Like a woman they are needy and a pain in the ass but to a much lesser degree. My dog is always loving and fun to be around. Food for thought!
At least your dog won't leave you for another family behind your back one day and take the house.
@@RaZeZeRo1 Yep, dogs are loyal, women are not.
When will these men ever learn if you are gonna be a workaholic do it for yourself only,not for wives or children who may or may not appreciate it. My labor is for my own benefits and no other person is gonna take that away from me.I have the utmost respect for my time and labor.I will be nobodys pet wallet or hero.The path to self actualization is the only way for me to live my life and that means no distractions that could knock me off that path.
+Thinking-Ape I find it somewhat humorous seeing some of the comments on this particular video. If people took the time to peruse some of your content, past & present, on the particulars of marriage, divorce & general human behavior they would see why you made the opening statement about "basic principles". In short, for anyone who came here not understanding the reason for his fortification of the general principles he is commenting on ; they are most likely as follows; Do not get married if you are a male (especially in western democratized nations) & do not cohabitate with a female in areas within those nations in which common-law marriage is the law, in said area. Stardusk says this for good reason despite the people who come here to criticize him for "speculation". Even if this purported speculation accusation is true, it does not change the fact that the divorce rate hovers around 50% in most western democracies. Most of these divorces are also initiated by the female(s). The only benefit a male has from a marriage would be love & or progeny. These benefits come at a substantial price for males, in general. In my opinion, not monetarily or emotionally worth the expense a male must pay. That being said, for the people here bitching about "generalizations" being made by Stardusk in this video....I say, get over it. Generalizations are not a bad thing when there is a wealth of data that supports the general argument he is, and has been, making for quite some time. Most birds are capable of flight. There, I made a generalization based on a basic truth. Watch as no one bats an eye at my generalization. I thought it was a good video. Perhaps that is because i am familiar with the context Stardusk has been laying out for quite some time, now.
To everyone else, have a great day ;)
Funny that a guy who knows all about dogs knows so little about bitches. The other one will go for 30.000 a month or more.
White Wolf When youve been married as long as Cesar had, then you and the commentator can talk. Unless you have been married a long time to one person, then none of us can talk. No one Im aware of is an expert on relationships. So I think you and the commentator should cut the crap
>white knighting for something from 2 years ago
When you say he knows next to nothing about human beings you are going too far. You know very little about him.
Also understand that most peoples behaviours are not based on understanding but on feelings or rather physical happenings in their brain based on stimuli and inner biology. Just because he behaves a certain way, like meeting a new woman, it doesn't saymuch about what he's understood, even if he goes to cleaners again. It's not like drug addicts don't understand drugs are bad. They just want them and use them.
So to sum it up understanding doesn't instantly break habits nor does it make you unaffected by surroundings and your speculations on C Milan are wild.
Furthermore, cesar was undocumented. His marriage could have been about green card. If you not in the streets, you won't understand it, but niggas starving and bout to be departed, the game is deep
this is WINNING THE LOTTERY!!! I wouldn't be surprised he'd be more comfortable with the dogs than at home... can't blame him... GO CESAR! YOU KNOW WHERE YOU CAN PUT YOUR TRUST... but you're right, He probably don't know much about his new adopted Country, evidently nobody told him you need a lawyer to take a crap...
So the moral of the story is he is an expert with dogs but got no idea about bitches!
He has a good relationship with his sons now. And he learns more abt women he said himself. Also his old wife was bitter and greedy. I hope his new wife is a down to earth loyal woman.
Whether you agree with the perspective or not, every man needs to listen to this.
from what i understand and from what cesar said in an interview, he was broke because of the dog whisperer show. that show was taking all the revenue it was bringing in and pocketing it. the divorce had nothing to do with why he was broke. it was because he didn't own any of his own show. now he has gotten smarter about that, he owns his new show "Cesar Millan's Leader of the Pack" on NATGEOWILD.
His ex wife's was also his partner with all the businesses and her name was on everything although she didn't have the same passion for dogs as he does,but he trusted her and never worried about her taking it all or even this happening, he's now taken her name off everything even the dog center. watch his more in dept interviews where he opens up more about that part there are several up now and each one he tells a little more at a time. but yes you are right as well, the show was screwing him as well and he had to fight them in court. What I think is wrong and seeing some of it on here is people automatically assuming he cheated or he's gay without one shred of evidence to support those claims.
+Godless Heathen
Exactly, on top of this the wife called him while he was in London filming and told him she wanted a divorce. Didn't even have the decency to tell him in person. All of that on top of Daddy dieing put Cesar in a really low place. He ended up attempting suicide. Ironically enough it was his sons who found him.
Godless Heathen why does there always have to be drama for it to be better for two people to get divorced?? sometimes you just drift apart, or you discover you rushed into a marriage with a person you really didn't know very well, or one person just isn't cut out for relationships. there are people in this world who really can't offer anyone a real connected caring relationship because of their own short comings. it has nothing to do with the other person. Cesar married Ilusion when he was about 22, or 24 years old or so, so maybe he did it out of passion, or to have kids, or to do his papers for his green card, who knows, they may have really thought they were in love. all i know is there were two people in that relationship, so each had 100% responsibility to dedicate time and effort to it. so, each played an equal role in whatever went wrong. and just because her name was on the show, doesn't mean she knowingly screwed him over. maybe he decided she was the more knowledgeable one when it comes to finance, s he may have told her to handle it for him, after all they WERE married. so, don't be so quick to believe rumors, or give total fault to the women. Cesar might have also been neglectful. he's very invested in his work, in fact i hardly ever saw him with his wife or children, and when i did see her on the show, she seemed unhappy. but, in reality, this no one else's business but theirs. so, i can't say i care either way. i just love cesar and what he does, and thats it.
+Sky Leopard THANK YOU!
The lifetime support is a crime against humanity. What a disgrace! I'm not saying he's perfect, but I know bitter, bored, and shallow mothers are very apt, and often guilty of giving their children distorted views of their fathers, all in readiness for when they leave their husbands, ensuring said children blame their father, instead of the real reasons, that 'being it takes two to tango'. I've seen, it heard it, and watched my own mother trying to turn my son, not only against his father, but also me, his mother. I absolutely hate women like that. Narcissistic, manipulative, calculating, emotional vampires. They destroy families, they destroy lives. Instead of trying to find something to accomplish on their own, and add to the marriage, they blame their partners for their own shallow incompetence, lack of imagination, thus boredom. But, there are millions of women who would have been grateful to have a husband like Cesar. And with him, as the father of their children. I know I would.
Men should be campaigning against alimony.
It is the most brutal and corrupt law I have EVER heard.
Glad that's not in the UK
I think mentioning Cesar got the normies attention, hence all the dislikes.
They weren't ready to give up their precious blue pills.
This video was way ahead of it's time.
It's still old fashioned red pill, blaming the man for not understanding and controller her from destroying their marriage. The reality is there is nothing a man who do to stop a conniving woman who wants that money, society bends over backwards for it and hands her the knife to stab him in the back.
marriage is and has always been a bad deal for men.
man Cesar tried to take out the wrong person
And what's with that hate on Mexicans? Jesus, that's freaking old...I'm outa here. What business it is of anyone's, whyever Cesar got divorced? He does huge amounts of good stuff for dogs and dog owners, and the world at large. That's all I need to know about him. Know what else I think? People who don't have lives of their own, kinda sniff around and get into somebody else's.
+Cynthia Hawkins What hate?
+Tom Garcia It's because this video did not give the conclusion she wanted. Instead, it talked about hard truths that is actually more of a norm than she wants people to know.
I feel sorry for Cesar also. He shouldn't have to pay her that much money a month. She needs to get a job! He works hard for what he has. Women today think they should get a free ride in life just for having a kid by a man. Ridiculous!
Cesar Milan is an extremely popular guy and MGTOW stuff isn't. I was watching videos about dogs for a while and ended up here. Probably a lot of female Dog Whisperer fans saw the title (keyword: divorce) and wanted to see what is was about. I clicked it expecting trash talk which caught my attention since I haven't heard too many bad things about Cesar. So yeah, the dislikes are undoubtedly casual females who stumbled upon this and don't like the anti-female message - Oh and people who don't give a shit and just wanted Dog Whisperer content and got this instead.
Cesar is 5'4". Another dwarf gets scammed.
manletpill is brutal.
@@Ergeniz I'm almost 5 8" and I think I'm probably in that category, in many peoples eyes. Lol. Oh well !
What kind of crazy judge gives a wife 23,000dollars from a previous marriage?!?!
Frankly, I don't quite understand why Cesar married that woman in the first place. I saw her on several "Dog Whisperer" episodes and somehow she always seemed slightly tough and bitchy to me. I think he should have picked his wife with much more care (or not get married at all lol).
A lot of men off themselves due to alimony
They should leave the country and never come back. You can still win
People do not know what happens behind closed doors.
+winianne handel Thank you!
+winianne handel
What about the people who are behind those doors?
So we should shut up about men getting Divorce Raped?
Cody Childers Scary when you see it. They're animals. You know. The red pill is no fucking joke my friend.
Caesar Milan is a much better human being than that putrid filth of a woman, stop coming up with ungrounded justifications for her vile, although subconcious, act.
It is nuts, ya okay ask for alimony but he will have to continue to work for the rest of his life....that's not fair at all and I can't believe that a judge agreed to give her that in the first place... I'm so glad I don't live in the U.S
I would point blank pack my crap and move to Indonesia.
Who bout the other people that get divorce too. Some have money some don't... God bless all the positive things Cesar does that humans don't do...
Stumbled upon your channel. Very interesting and has given me some insight in the corrupted ways the courts work with divorce. Bottom line is, no one is perfect. We all make big mistakes. We cannot read or assume people's minds. Communication does help, but there's just a need to be more aware. Cesar fell harder than ever before when all those things happened at once. So feel terrible that it did.. Maybe we can learn a thing or two about his wife, but to say all females will act this way. Sighs. Yeah, Divorce sucks. No marriage sucks. I've always believed marriage was just a way to get financially locked in with your partner. But many women see it as the most darn romantic gift/life changing experience on the planet. I don't know where I'm going with this comment any more. Just thanks for opening my eyes to how more corrupt the court system is. Never getting married. -_-
I'd be happy with a one time payment of a $23 dinner let alone $23,000 a month, jeez!
Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.
What happens if you move to live in another state or another country, do you still have to pay can it be enforced?
i've never seen a better example of over analyzing from a third party perspective
Never seen more 1 liners from a single commenter in a single vid in my entire life.
Did you know that Cesar's sons and wife participated in his work? I've seen them all working together in some of the episodes of "The Dog Whisperer".
Cesar Milan knows next to nothing about human beings... that was an idiotic thing to say... multiple times.
I know right... this guy makes all these wild assumptions about a person he does not know. he know absolutely nothing about him, and is just assuming all these absurd negative things. you can tell he obviously does not like him. that's very apparent. for not liking someone so much, he sure is obsessed with his personal life. typical sheep. nothing better to do other than obsess about celebrities and pry into their personal lives, because their own lies are lacking, and they've bee programmed so well to be distracted by garbage.
+xxmaybememoriesxx667 THANK YOU!
my son stayed at their house a few times... friends with one of their sons... ( hes 18 now) and we live in vegas now....however my son has nothing but wonderful memories ... cant imagine what went wrong... kids were extremely happy 4-5 years ago.
I used to get mad at the world over this but now it makes me happy. It's become a beautifully horrible sight like a train wreck or a shooting to see men be destroyed by marriage. I love it because either 1: it will set them free and they will LEARN
Or 2: this is the same guy who would have called me an incel and would make the same choice over and over.
I love it, guys please keep doing what you're doing, don't be smart, do it for "love", don't worry bro she's "different", it'll never happen to you 😉
Excellent advice. One thing should help. An all inclusive contract. It is sad that is updated, as lives change. I lived in CA. for several years and I honestly couldn't believe the scenario that you described. Basically, it's ridiculous!
Yes I assumed the same thing Lonely /Bored housewife ,telling her sons Dad doesn't care about us. The thing I wonder about is why he had to pay that much alimony , did they not get joint custody & if not why didn't he try to get it ? I watched the documentary on his life story & he wanted to keep the reason she wanted to divorce him "Hush" . So I think if it was just a lonely woman syndrome , he would have said that & man up to it knowing it was his fault . She could have had it planed all along , waiting for him to become rich enough to take him for everything. There has to be more to it for him to want to commit suicide . Maybe he was a cheater being on the road for so long . He was a very friendly man & did a lot of hugging on his show , could be easy enough to "stay" ? His story reminds me of Elvis Presley, he didn't see it coming either & it almost did him in too. As with both they didn't hit the Big time until after they got married , so that changed the relationship . They married to have a husband & father by there side , but it didn't stay that way after they became Famous . Always two sides to every story. Hopefully with this new woman he has , he'll be smart enough to get a prenup if he marries her.
Now I know how to get a convenient life: move to the US, marry a rich guy, get divorced and thus I'm set for life! YAY! lol
I've noticed after the divorce Cesar lost his glow. He now appears to just be going through the motions but not really feeling what he felt before the divorce. It is important that no man allows himself to fall in love with a woman because in doing so that man will leave himself open and vulnerable and no man should let himself sink to such a level of vulnerability.
If you relinquish your power to your wife-girlfriend, and you lose your frame as the dominant role, she loses respect for you and she treats you like crap, cheats and leaves in that order. Does it sound familiar to you Cesar? Yes, the same that happens to the dog owners you help. Dog has lost respect for the owner and treats the owners like crap.
if I am not mistaken, he did not learn the lesson and now has another woman.
Credentials mean nothing because they often do not mean competency.
I enjoy these talks and find them thought provoking. But with this one I think it would have been more tastefully done without mentioning this genttlemen by name.
Cesar Milan Was NOT a Woman Whisperer,
Totally Deluded And Clueless About Women.
Couldn't Have Done WORSE Than Marry In California.
The worst part is that he is surrounded by men who should be reminding him of the perils of divorce and cohabitation and relationships -- and none of them really explained it to him. Surely his attorneys should have warned him long before his divorce and tried to position him for it. He must have been exposed to the horrors of divorce and child custody hearings from his friends and acquaintances.
He look's like a good man, calf needs to change the law.
you rightly say that we don't know much about Cesar millan divorce and there is quite a bit assuming going on.Divource happens rather a lot and quite honestly is non of our business. I don't understand why there is such an interest in celebrity private life.
Sooooooooo is the background slowly zooming in & out or just me m8’s.
23k a month is like the terms and conditions on the back of a TOP PRIZE Scratch card!
Cesar's ex wife will remarry one day. She will regret divorcing Cesar. Cesar's is the most hard working man I have ever seen. Brain washing the kids against their father is the most stupidest thing an ex wife can do. Ex wife will never ever find anyone like Cesar. Wishing all the best to Cesar and his children. Hope God provides you love and success. As for the ex wife.... no comment.
The law is the first problem, lack of knowledge is the second problem.
He hasn't gotten married again. so maybe he did learn something.
It is very disgusting that you have made this video and said Cesar does not know anything about human beings or is not close to his children, you barely know anything about him or his personal life.
+Rose Flower THANK YOU!